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Sugar is ultimately a legalized, widely available and socially acceptable recreational drug. Sugar addiction is a secret epidemic that is killing millions around the world.
Just like many other drugs, it is a poison, destroying a heavy user’s health over time, disrupting normal brain function, promoting heart disease and directly causing diabetes, rotting teeth and obesity researchers tell us that sugar addiction changes our brain functions in the same way as drug and alcohol addiction.
The argument that street drugs are outlawed because they’re dangerous to health falls flat on its face when we consider the effects of legal sugar does to the human body. The reason for this contradiction is the political, commercial, economic, and social acceptance of sugar.
Sugar can exert far more powerful and reliable effects on the behavior of both laboratory animals and humans than nicotine. (Allsop & Miller, 1996; Bock, Kanarek, & Aprille, 1995; Davis, 1995; Gibney, SigmanGrant, Stanton, Jr., & Keast, 1995; Gold, 1995; Lindroos, Lissner, & Sjstrm, 1996; McDonald, 1995). Moreover, much as is the case with nicotine, sugar has been associated with ill health (Di Battista & Shepherd, 1993: Furth & Harding, 1989; Wu, Yu, & Mack, 1997).
Every day, Australians consume on average more than 20 teaspoons of sugar, says the Australian Diabetes Council. Not only does it make us fat, but it is also contributing to the type 2 diabetes epidemic. Sugar is highly addictive and can even contribute to cancer.
Signs of excessive sugar consumption may include; forehead lines and wrinkles, saggy skin, gaunt or grey look in the face.

The World Cancer Research Fund says that when it comes to preventing cancer, being as lean as possible without being underweight is at the top of the list. At number three, even ahead of eating more vegetables, is advice to limit consumption of energy-dense foods, foods high in saturated fat or added sugars, including sugary soda or soft drinks.
David Gillespie, author of The Sweet Poison Quit Plan (Penguin, 2010) puts it simply: sugar is poison. Gillespie lost 40kg when he quit sugar and changed to a sugar-free diet. In the psychological sense, sugar withdrawal can be a very real and painful process, replete with headaches, nauseousness, cravings, anxiety and depression, and a general sense of loss when it is not consumed.
Author Kathleen DesMaisons outlined the concept of sugar addiction, in her 1998 book, as a measurable physiological state caused by activation of opioid receptors in the brain and hypothesized that dependence on sugar followed the same track outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for other drugs of abuse.
Dr Eric Stice, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the Oregon Research Institute who has used MRI scans to conclude that sugar activates the same brain regions that are activated when a person consumes hard drugs such as heroin and amphetamines. In addition, he found that heavy users of sugar develop tolerance (needing more and more to feel the same effect), which is a symptom of substance dependence.
Nora Volkow, M.D., a psychiatrist at the National Institute on Drug Abuse, has done similar research using brain imaging techniques to show similarities between the brains of people who are obese and people who abuse drugs and alcohol.
However, there is a more powerful psychological factor. When it comes right down to it, your thoughts are easily swayed toward thinking about sugar products. They can trigger a very powerful craving. It is so powerful because it is a learned thought pattern that is so deep in the mind it has become an unconscious and automatic response.
Associate Professor Selena Bartlett at the Queensland University of Technology tells us that her research has shown that anti-smoking medications ‘Champix’ and ‘Zyban’ can change the way the brain perceives the ‘sweetness’ of sugar. Hundreds of Quit Smoking clients have told me those medications cause their brains to perceive an unpleasant ‘metallic’ taste. (The major ingredients added to tobacco are sugars). Tobacco smokers are basically addicted to sugar. Note; According to the medication manufacturers, the side effects of Champix and Zyban include suicidal thoughts and action, heart attacks, and death. Once a patient stops using the medication they have an eighty percent chance of relapse. Therefore they are not an effective way to quit an addiction to sugar.
The only effective way to really break the habit is to break the unconscious thought pattern and replace it with a new one that triggers a new behavior.
Wouldn’t it be great to escape from that craving and take back control of life? You’ve probably tried to control it many times, but will power alone is not enough. You need to actually re-train the mind and teach it a new way to think and respond to sugar products.
You can view all of the Addiction ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations here.
Because Peter Zapfella uses Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and the Emotional Alignment Technique in combination with advanced hypnotherapy and Bali to re-train your conscious and unconscious mind. They are excellent tools for getting rid of the sugar addiction.
You need never suffer from the debilitating effects of addiction again, there is a better way.
Peter Zapfella has created a range of specific therapies, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the Emotional Alignment Technique and advanced Hypnotherapy to overcome the root cause of the problem in just one session. He brings with him around 28 years of passionate experience and thousands of past successful and happy clients.

BOOK YOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION NOW world-wide via Skype, FaceTime, and Viber.
Peter Zapfella’s personal pledge: if you fail to quit sugar dependency in one session, if you relapse – whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special individual follow up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.
Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.
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