Quit Problem Gambling with advanced hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and the Emotional Alignment Technique World-Wide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Facebook Messenger..
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Most people can choose if they will gamble, and how much they intend to risk when they gamble. Most people can also keep to the pre-set limits they have set for themselves.
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When we think of problem gamblers we typically think of casinos and horse racing. Increasingly we see gambling online.
Smartphones have enabled people to gamble anywhere and at any time. Betting agents advertise heavily on television and once a gambler has subscribed, they are baited with offers that sound far to good to be true – and they are. Australians lose more money through gambling (per capita) than any other country in the world. Australians lose about $23 billion – yes BILLION gambling annually. (Source)
The problem gambler may take a bet on almost anything, from almost any animal race or fight to speculation on the stock market.
Before they can become a problem gambler they must be recruited. The best way to do that may be through their friends and associates. Being alone and feeling lonely can lead to gambling as a way of coping, resulting in a higher risk of addiction.
Peer pressure. Trying to conform with other members of a group and gain acceptance is preyed on by the gambling advertisers. Their TV ads suggest that gamblers are part of a small group of super close ‘mates’ who share an unbroken bond.
Current TV advertising encourages gamblers to ‘join with mates’ and gamble as a group. They know that this increases the chances of one person’s trigger setting off the others in the group. The result is increased gambling by the group in both frequency and amount actually lost.
“You win some. Then you lose more. Much much more”
Many cannot control their impulses – it is a real problem.
Problem gambling leads to cause physical and psychological harm. Problem gambling may cause work and relationship problems. It may lead to lies, embezzlement, and kleptomania. Problem gambling is a cause of anxiety and depression. It can cause relationship break-down, and in some cases suicide.
Problem gamblers respond to triggers that cause them to start gambling, and once they start, they continue. Often until they will continue until they have nothing left. They may get themselves into serious gambling debt. I met a former store manager who began stealing from his employer to pay his gambling debts. When his wife found out what he had done she encouraged him to go to his employer and admit what he had done and arrange to repay the money he had stolen. Instead, his employer sacked him, and reported it to the police. They charged him. The courts convicted him and sent him to jail – where he could not gamble.
You can view all of the Addiction ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations here.
Researchers have found online gaming, and smartphone gambling is a ‘gateway’ behavior leading to problem gambling. Young people who engage in gaming and problem gaming are more likely to be bullied by others or be bullies themselves. They are more likely to have problems with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.
A significant number of people who are addicted are in denial. They are not aware (or refuse to acknowledge to themselves) that they have a problem.
Are you ready to change? Never suffer from the debilitating effects of problem gambling again.
Peter Zapfella has created a range of proven therapies, using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the Emotional Alignment Technique, and advanced Hypnotherapy methods to overcome the root cause of problem gambling in just one session. He brings with him more than 28 years of passionate experience and thousands of past successful and happy clients.

BOOK YOUR INDIVIDUAL SESSION NOW either local (Perth and Peel) or world-wide via Skype, FaceTime, Viber and Facebook Messenger.
Peter Zapfella’s personal pledge: if you fail to quit problem gambling in one session, if you relapse – whether it is one hour, one day, one week, one month or even one year following your original session, he will take you through a special individual follow up session; ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE.

Please indicate your location and the nature of the personal challenge/s you wish to change. Your phone number will enable Peter to discuss your particular issues with you and give an appropriate fee estimate.
COVIS JN1 variant is currently spreading so if you are suffering cold, flu and/or Covid symptoms please postpone your appointment. Peter has been vaccinated 4 x and keeps up to date. he has hand sanitizers available.
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