Smiles are facial expressions, and therefore they are part of our body language arsenal of expressions we use to indicate to others our mood and emotions. This often occurs unconsciously without conscious intent.
Typically smiles are associated with happiness, although there maybe some cultural differences and ‘rules’ governing smiling. Generally smiling increases trust, bonding and co-operation.

Charismatic people smile. Plus, they have a positive ‘can do’ attitude and are people friendly. It shows because smiles and frowns are part of our body language.

7 Health Benefits of Welcome Smiles
- Smiling can boost mood when feeling down.
- Smiling can help overcome anxiety and depression.
- Smiling can lower Blood Pressure.
- Smiles improve friendships.
- Smiles strengthen the Immune System
- Smiles actually aid in pain relief.
- Smiles increase healthy longevity.
“There is fear when frowning. There is love when smiling.”
Maxime Lagacé
For all these reasons why wouldn’t you trade in a frown for a smile?
Is it easier to smile than frown?
Some people claim it takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but scientists tell us a smile uses somewhere around the same number of muscles as a frown. Importantly they go on to say it is easier to use those smiling muscles than the frowning muscles because they are stronger in most of us.
The truth is there are smiles and there are other smiles, they are not all the same. So it is almost impossible to say how many muscles are involved. A simple smile only raises the corners of the lips and the upper lip. There are five muscle pairs (or 10 total muscles) that accomplish this smile. Two muscle pairs primarily raise the upper lip, while three other muscle pairs raise the corners of the mouth.
If a frown only involves the lowering of the corners of the mouth and a slight downward pouting of the lower lip, we’re dealing with only three muscle pairs.
But that’s all an assumption, because different people smile and frown differently in different circumstances and moods. So no one can accurately count the number of muscles involved in creating a smile or a frown.

“Smile, smile, smile at your mind as often as possible. Your smiling will considerably reduce your mind’s tearing tension.”
Sri Chinmoy
Types of smiles
According to the experts, these are the types of smiles, and they all involve different muscle groups;
- The Real Happy Smile is identified by the narrowed, happy eyes that leave wrinkles, or “crow’s feet”. It reflects inner positive feelings (amusement, contentment, and pleasure) that show across the whole face, not just the mouth.
- The Dampened Smile is a suppressed or hidden real smile.
- The Fake Smile lacks the eye involvement of the eyes suggesting the person is feigning happiness. It may or may not show cheek dimples.
- The Uncomfortable Smile is designed to hide the true feelings of discomfort. It may also be called the Fear or Contempt Smile because it has nothing to do with positive feelings. It may or may not show cheek dimples.
- The Seductive Smile or Flirtatious Smile is a slight smile that accompanies direct eye contact, with a slow glance away, but still holding the smile
- The Sarcastic Smile may suggest a positive emotion, however, a sarcastic smile is often crooked, demonstrating conflicting emotions between amusement and dislike. The eyes show disdain.
- The Miserable Smile or ‘grin and bear it’ indicates stoicism about negative emotions.
- The Listener Smile which indicates that the listener/smiler understands and acknowledges. This is similar to,
- The Compliance Smile or Qualifier Smile which is an acknowledgment that the instruction or harsh message is accepted without protest. Source and source.
Our focus here is the Real Happy Smile, and perhaps when appropriate, the Seductive Smile or Flirtatious Smile. But please be careful not to overdo those too often or inappropriately – otherwise you will get the reputation as a creep (if you are a man) or slutty (of you are a woman).
Researchers conclude that people respond differently to smiles from either gender, from the perspective of sexual advances. Generally, when a female of the human species smiles it is well received by males, particularly if it is accompanied by other sexual body language, such as running her fingers through her hair.
However, when a male smiles it can sometimes be interpreted in a negative way. If he smiles and winks, she might take interest and think he is cute. On the other hand, she might think he is rude.
Other factors come into play when a female is sizing up a potential mate, including.
- Visual perception (the symmetry of his manly face, physical appearance, health, and how he moves.
- Audition (his voice)
- Olfaction (his hygiene, including how he smells)
- Somatosensory system (his touch).
- His clothes.
- His confidence.
So, a man’s seductive smile is only the first step, or perhaps the last if the other factors are not aligned in his favour.
One overriding factor with most smiles is dental hygiene. Dirty yellow/green teeth can be cleaned and perhaps whitened to improve the smile. We should all clean our teeth at least once every morning and again before we sleep.
Crooked and missing teeth can hurt our self-esteem and therefore our inclination to smile often. A quick Google search of the word ‘smile’ returns pages of orthodontists who want to fix your teeth. It is BIG business.
If your teeth are a mess perhaps you could consider having some work done by a reputable dentist or orthodontist? Otherwise learn to smile without revealing your teeth!
“A genuine happy smile is in the eyes
and the mouth”
Robin McKie
Imagine if you could somehow smile more often, without consciously thinking about it? Imagine if your smiles could change your mood to be more positive and friendly?
There is one simple thing you can do right now to create positive changes in your life. Download and start listening to the Welcome Smiles subliminal affirmations, Prime Hypnosis and Hipno Hop Rap MP3’s.
Prime Hypnosis: Smiles
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad . Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español.
Sample of Prime Hypnosis induction by Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad.
‘Click’ > to listen.
Unlike counseling and some other psychotherapies, NLP and hypnotherapy do not dwell on the past, that approach to therapy only traps the sufferer in the past, causing them to ‘relive’ event over and over again. Those other techniques simply perpetuate the destructive pattern of thought.
Hypnosis works in combination with NLP, targeting your unconscious mind and teaching it how to make the very deep, inner shifts in thinking that support the conscious actions of your mind. The two techniques work with each other rather than against each other, helping to create real and lasting change.
Please read the Prime Hypnosis Listening Guide before use.
Beyond Hypnosis
For a limited time, when you purchase a selected English language Welcome subliminal affirmation discounted Bundle you will automatically receive a FREE Hypnotherapy MP3 from Hypnosis dot Boutique.
We have included the ‘Beyond Feeling Rejected’ Hypnotherapy MP3. Valued at $19.99. It has been included here for FREE!
Please read the Beyond Hypnosis Listening Guide before use.
Subliminal Affirmations; Smiles
Multiple Languages will build Internet Hypnosis dot Shop to more than 6000 Classic subliminal affirmation MP3’s in Chinese – Mandarin, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian-Malay, Indian-Hindi, Arabic and of course English.
No other subliminal affirmation MP3 download web site features multiple languages.
Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here) 中文普通话视频(点击这里). Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini) भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)
Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो. فيديو خطأ باللغة العربية/
The results of listening to ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations can be nothing less than miraculous.
Change your self-talk and change your deep unconscious beliefs. These then change your behaviors and emotions. These then change your self-talk and so on.
The more the Welcome Smiles messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Smiles MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. If you were to listen to the ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Then your deep unconscious would hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief.
Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Smiles has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.
Every one of us is unique. We have all had different life experiences and we react to them differently too.
Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option is to download and listen to Welcome Smiles subliminal affirmations as recommended. This approach is very effective for many people.
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Smiles
“For you, every day starts with a smile in the heart and upon the face. Smiles have a profound positive effect upon the whole day so you give them away for free. These positive feelings are infectious, as they spread to everyone you share with. As your smile spreads to others it brightens your mood.
Your outward smile is a reflection of your inward joy and happiness. You are as warm and radiant as the sun on a blue-sky day. You are as bright and optimistic as a singing bird. You are truly a happier person because you smile often.
Every day, in every way, it just gets better and better.
You are now clearer in the mind. More relaxed in the body. More confident, and coping better with everybody now that you smile more than ever before.”
All ‘Welcome Smiles’ MPs have been bundled together and discounted by a massive 50%. They are Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’, Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ melody, ‘Zumba’ style Latin dance music, ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves. Now you can ‘mix and match’ your listening foreground sounds to your mood and time of day, and enjoy a great discount too. Valued at $39.96. Bundled for just $19.98. So you save $19.98.
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use
Hipno Hop Rap: Smiles
Rhythmic, rhyming Rap speaks to the ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions. They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap. In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful.
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics written by Peter Zapfella. ‘Click’ > to listen
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Rap Song; Lyrics
“Yo, check it, feel the vibe, let it flow,
This is Hipno Hop Rap, come on, let’s go.
[Verse 1]
Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap, it’s hypnosis,
Mind control is the prognosis.
Listen to my words and the sound of my voice,
As you chill and learn, you have no choice.
In a world full of noise, let the silence unfold,
Let my rhymes guide you, into the bold.
Positivity flows like a river so wide,
With every word I spit, your worries subside.
I listen to the words, they have changed my life,
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,
I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.
Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,
With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.
[Verse 2]
Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,
It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.
Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,
Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.
Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,
It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.
Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,
With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.
I listen to the words, they have changed my life,
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,
I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.
Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,
With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.
[Verse 3]
Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,
It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.
Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,
Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.
Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,
It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.
Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,
With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.
I listen to the words, they have changed my life,
Like cutting butter with a hot knife.
Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,
I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.
Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,
With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.
Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop, elevates my brain,
Learning Hipno Hop Rap, it’s a whole new game.
With repeated focus, it all becomes clear,
Sharing Hipno Hop secrets with friends, I got no fear.
It’s a revolution, a lyrical sensation,
Hypnotic flows bringing forth transformation.
So feel the rhythm, let it take control,
Hipno Hop Rap is the key to your soul.
With every word I spit, you know you can win,
Join the movement, let the journey begin.”
Every Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change.
These are building into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere.
Hipno Hop Rap Lyrics: Smiles
TBA soon
So, we offer a suite of downloadable MP3 therapy approaches. Hypnosis, subliminal affirmations and Hipno Hop Rap. In addition, we offer an alternative.
Another option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete diagnostics and a one-on-one psychotherapy tailored to you, the individual, using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), hypnotherapy , and perhaps cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
The Welcome Smiles subliminal affirmations are clearly spoken once before they fade-down and ‘disappear’ from conscious awareness within masking music and environmental sounds, thereby foiling ‘adult’ conscious analytical thinking, which could otherwise ‘filter out’ messages. In this way, the listener knows for sure what their deep unconscious mind is hearing without listening to these messages its self.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Smiles subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations.
Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL encryption
‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and © Copyright 2017-25 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale.
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