In this busy world where everything is controlled by digital devices, tight time schedules, and other’s expectations of us, we can still welcome flow and balance.
The ten most important area’s in life for most of us are;
- Health
- Rest
- Work
- Social
- Recreation
- Family and Friends
- Civic and Voluntary
- Planning for the Future
- Spiritual
- Personal Development
As a therapist for 30 years, I have often seen people who have not achieved any balance within or between these areas in their life. Balance can bring with it a sense of fulfillment and meaning beyond stress and anxiety.
“How You Think About Time Affects Your Life” – Blog and Podcast
Synonyms for the word balance include; fairness, justice, impartiality, egalitarianism, equal opportunity. parity, equity, equilibrium, evenness, symmetry, equipoise, correspondence, uniformity, equality, equivalence, similarity, levelness, parallelism, comparability.
Synonyms for the word flow include; are arise, derive, emanate, issue, originate, proceed, rise, spring, and stem.
Having a balanced lifestyle is considered essential for optimum levels of physical and mental health.
Way too often we let outside pressures take-over our lives. I am reminded of US comedian the late and great Paul Lynde who when asked “How is the rat race going” he sarcastically replied … “The rats are winning”

To create that balance it simply starts with a good plan.
- Under each of the ten headings (above) write down who and what is important for you.
- Place each heading in order of priority to you.
- Create a daily routine that prioritizes your time to devote to the most important, so you do not waste time.
- Set aside time for each of these ten headings within every week.
Let us look at each of these ten heading in a little more detail.
Health Flow and Balance

Health is the state of both physical, mental, and also social well-being. They are inter-connected. If we fall down on any one of those it affects the others. Serotonin is a neuro-hormone which controls our mood. It is produced in the gut, so good gut health is important to our emotional health. Good gut health is dependent upon a well-balanced diet.
Until about 10 thousand years ago all human beings were hunter-gatherers and some still are today. That means our bodies are designed to walk and sometimes run for long distances in search of seasonal food. Our bodies not designed to sit in front of a screen all day, eating processed food.
If your lifestyle involves physical activity that’s great. If not, then you should consider doing extra physical activity. Perhaps brisk walking or jogging (that’s walking so fast you cannot sing at the same time) for at least 30 minutes or more every day. Swimming or a gym work out are great too. Any of these can become a social activity with friends.
Ideally, we should be eating a balanced diet of fresh, homecooked, non-processed food.
Every main meal should have variety to improve gut health. Things such as whole grains, lean protein, vegetables, and fruits. Try some fermented foods too, such as;
- sauerkraut
- sauerkraut’s Korean cousin
- kefir
- kombucha
- miso
- tempeh
- yogurt
Choose non-processed foods that are free of;
- added sugar (which causes obesity and diabetes) Use real honey instead.
- trans-fats
- saturated fats, and
- added salt (which cause heart disease)
Do not skip meals. Drink plenty of water. To some extent, the amount depends upon the climate and activity levels you are exposed to, but as a general guide – around 1.5 liters or quarts of clean water a day.
Quit tobacco smoking, problem alcohol drinking, and other drug dependencies. Also, get a physical check-up with your medical professional from time-to-time for things such as blood and urine tests. Plus, any health factors relevant to your gender, age, occupation, locality, or family health traits. For example; I live in Australia, where we enjoy the highest rate of skin cancer in the world. I get a skin check every year, yes, they found one and cut it out. My sister had one cut out too.
Under the health heading, we also include mental health.
If you suffer from irrational fears, phobia, high stress, and anxiety you should treat it, not with medications because they only treat the symptoms – not the cause. The medications do not cure, they just bring temporary relief. I recommend Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy to overcome it permanently. Meditation, Yoga, and Tai Chi can help keep you on track too.
The same goes for depression. I suggest you avoid going down the anti-depressant track, which can drag on for a lifetime. Instead, nip-it in the bud with therapy. Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy are both fast and effective. Then maintain good mental health with a balanced lifestyle.
Rest and Sleep Flow and Balance

What is sleep?
When we fall asleep our eyes close and our consciousness is suspended as our brain waves slow down. Most of the muscles in our body relax and our deep unconscious mind comes ‘out to play’. We are all familiar with our dreams which are created by our deep unconscious as it processes our past day’s experiences and learnings. It takes conscious short-term memories and sorts them into long term memories. This occurs mainly during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep, when we are dreaming. During this period of sleep many of our body’s muscles are temporarily paralyzed, to protect us from injuring ourselves while we dream. For adults, we cycle through REM sleep about every 90 minutes for a total of about 20 percent of our normal sleep period.
As our brainwave activity slows even more during sleep, our muscles become even more relaxed and our body temperature drops. This level of sleep is called non-REM sleep. Most of our sleep periods, or around 80 percent is experienced at this level. It is believed to be the stage where important cellular healing takes place within the physical body.
We all need daily sleep for good health. Just how much depends mainly upon our age.
Adults need somewhere between 7 and 9 hours of daily sleep for good health. Children and adolescents need more, and older adults also need around 7 hours of sleep. Children and older adults tend to break-up their sleep into shorter bursts than most adults.
Quantity of sleep is one thing, however, quality of sleep is more important because we need to be able to rest enough to get down into the deepest levels of sleep. Broke sleep patterns, for any reason, can prevent this and ultimately impact our mental and physical health.
Getting rest is good, but sleep is better.
If you regularly have difficulty falling asleep or wake up during the night and have difficulty falling asleep again, you should seek non-medication assistance.
Work Flow and Balance

How many hours should we work each day, or each week? There is no definitive answer because it depends on so many individual factors.
At the beginning of the Information Age or Computer Age, or Digital Age, back in the 1970s and 1980’s we were told that in the future we would not use paper anymore and we would have technology do our work for us, so we could retire. Truth is whoever said that was wrong. The Computer Age has just speeded things up and caused us more stress. We use more paper than at any time in history and it seems we will never retire. My own country and others are pushing up the retirement age as we grow older. My younger sister will reach her retirement age 2 years after her husband. Now everyone is expected to be connected by mobile cell phones, social media, and email. You are expected to drop everything and reply immediately. We see people killing themselves and others in horrific traffic accidents because they were looking at their screens and not the road ahead. It seems our work is invading our social life while our social life is invading our work and school lives and our sleep. Where have the boundaries between work, recreation, and sleep gone?
The most important things to consider in your future work choices are;
- Some career paths have no future, others have growth potential.
- The happiest people work in an environment that reflects their own personal values.
- Do what gives you the greatest happiness and fulfillment.
- Find the job that makes you feel aligned with the company’s culture and mission.
- Find the job that makes you feel your work is meaningful and purposeful.
- Surround yourself with like-minded people who support and inspire you.
- The global economy means organizations need to be more nimble and agile, so change is inevitable.
- Because things are changing so fast organizations need to have the flexibility and fluidity within the work environment to quickly adapt or ‘plug’ people into fluctuating roles based upon experience, skills, and qualifications. They need to bring their people with them by keeping them informed and involved. Failure to do so will cost them as people seek out less stressed work environments.
- The best career in the world is the job where you would be prepared to pay your employer to do it.
Employment trends indicate future demands will be for people who have better people-to-people skills, and who can coordinate well with others.
Recreation Flow and Balance

Our lives find better balance and health when we create a daily and weekly routine.
They used to say that our day should be divided into three equal parts: 8 hours of sleep. 8 hours of work and 8 hours of recreation. Although the lines have become far more blurred today, the principal is still the same. We need free time every day to do the things that help us reduce stress.
A friend of mine who owns his business. He has started to learn guitar. He has also taken up learning a martial art. He already goes to the gym daily. Each of these activates helps him to reduce stress, build friendships outside of his work environment, and learn new skills, which also build his self-esteem. How does he find so much free time? He does not waste time sitting in front of a television screen or doing social media. He has structure and purpose in his daily life. He works his personal life plan.
Our routine should allow for ‘me’ time. Time set aside to pursue the things that bring happiness and self-satisfaction. If you feel stressed or depressed, ask yourself what is missing in your life. First, remove the causes of that stress or depression and then go out to do the things that give you the greatest feelings of inner satisfaction. Do not sit there thinking about it, get out and make it happen.
Family and Friends Flow and Balance
I was asked recently if ‘Family and Friends’ in this context includes romantic relationships and marriage. Yes, it does. It includes all personal relationships in your life including in-laws, extended family, and even pets, for some people.
In my grandparent’s day, people wrote letters to each other often. Now most of us have mobile cell phones and social media to communicate, not just with the written word, but voice, photos, videos etc. We no longer need to wait for days for the post to arrive. We can immediately involve people in our lives. So there are no excuses anymore. But a word of warning: Do not overdo it. Social media can be addictive. Find balance. Personally I do not sleep with my phone. I leave it in the other room so other people cannot disturb my sleep. Somethings should not be broadcast to the world across social media.
If your family and friends live nearby make the effort to see them face-to-face. Put your phone away and engage in meaningful conversation. That may be a more appropriate time and place to engage in deeper, more personal discussions.
Balance is not about the number of people you consider your family and friends, but the quality of those relationships. Can you count on each other in an emergency, or are they only there for the good times?
In your principal romantic relationship, if you have one, do you support each other while also giving each other space to pursue your own interests? A successful ‘marriage’ is all about balance. It has aspects of both ‘give’ and ‘take’ but is really about being there for each other through the thick and thin. If one partner is doing all or most of the ‘taking’ while the other is ‘giving’ then it is bound to fail sooner or later. The same rules apply to personal relationships with other family and friends too. If someone is causing you stress, consider putting some space between you.
Civic and Voluntary Flow and Balance

Volunteering and mentoring is unpaid work. It is an opportunity to share your skills to assist others in the community. Volunteering is a form of civic participation that enriches the wellbeing of the overall community and the lives of the volunteers too.
Some of the benefits of mentoring and volunteering include:
- develop leadership and management qualities
- developing skills as you learn through teaching
- ‘giving something back’ and making a contribution to the community
- increase your confidence and motivation
- watch people grow and develop their skills and knowledge
- build your own confidence as they develop their own confidence
- making new friends and networking
- demonstrating your passion in your chosen field, perhaps leading to future opportunities
- enhance your CV listing and gain a reference
- volunteer work may be a prerequisite to gaining full-time paid employment
Planning for the Future Flow and Balance
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.”
Old Chinese Proverb
If you do not have a personal plan for the future you can expect nothing but the same, because that is what you planned for.
All businesses have a Business Plan and perhaps a Marketing Plan, and so should you.
Good plans are flexible because unforeseen circumstances can force change.
The basic considerations are;
- What are your strengths and interests?
- What is your ideal future?
- What qualifications and experience do you need to make it happen?
- Who are the important people in your life?
- Can you involve them in your plan, as part of your support network?
- What qualifications, experience, and resources are available?
- What are the challenges or obstacles that exist, or can be expected to exist?
“Small steps are easier than a giant leap forward”
Peter Zapfella
Set yourself several short-term goals that build toward the greater goal. Achieve each of them one-by-one and adjust for changing conditions beyond your control as you move forward. Be sure to celebrate your successes along the way!
I tell people planning is like approaching a river where you intend to cross using stepping stones so you do not get your feet wet. Stand back and survey the scene (research and plan). before you start to cross (Execute the plan) know exactly where you will place each foot firmly. If a rock is slippery or loose, change plans (flexibility within plan) as you go. In that way, you will successfully get to the other side dry. (complete) Turn around and see the path you took to success. (review) The same principals belong to life, education, career, and business.
“Rome was not built in a day”
Be patient and think realistically. Rather than give up when your goals feel elusive, use the opportunity to modify your plans to fit.
Spiritual Flow and Balance

By spiritual, we are not necessarily suggesting religion.
Several psychologists have proposed models in which spiritual experiences are part of a process of transformation of the self. For example, Carl Jung‘s work on himself and his patients convinced him that life had a spiritual purpose beyond physical goals.
I suggest that rather than ‘being told’ by others, you can explore your own spiritual self and find the answers within that resonate best for you. Meditation is a good way to start the process to explore your own spiritual self. This is a portal into looking deeply into and better understanding your own life meaning and purpose. The insights will clear the ‘muddy waters’ of consciousness and give you an inner wisdom and strength to move forward along the path that is life. There are many different meditation techniques. There is no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, there are no rules. Explore the different types until you find the one that resonates best for you.
In time you will discover a vast well of knowledge and wisdom that can be tapped within meditation. This comes from your deep Unconscious and Super Conscious minds.
Personal Development Flow and Balance

Personal development is the engagement in activities that add meaning to life. They may be a hobby, meaningful work, health, and well-being. The practical steps you can take toward personal development might include;
Maintain a Daily Routine Flow and Balance
- One way to ensure a balanced lifestyle is to schedule your time. If you’re spending all of your time at work or most of your free time doing one activity, you do not have balance in all areas of your life Maintaining a schedule can help you accomplish goals and create balance in how you spend your time.
Be Prepared To Make Compromises Flow and Balance
- Only a fool thinks he can ‘have it all, all the time’. Life is not that easy. Compromise is a simple fact of life. It can be challenging enough to achieve balance in your own life, but if you have a partner or spouse, children, extended family, and friends, you must also consider their needs alongside your own to a greater or lesser degree.
Think positively Flow and Balance
- Positive thinking encourages positive beliefs that create positive actions. You can reduce negative self-talk by using Welcome subliminal affirmations. Surround yourself with supportive people as well to help yourself stay positive. Have a laugh sometimes.
Hobbies and Interests Flow and Balance
- Reserve regular time for activities you enjoy or learn a new skill.
Mistakes Flow and Balance
- in the past are learning opportunities today. Save the learnings and let go of the negativity, then use those learnings to never make the same mistakes again.
- Practice relaxation for 30 minutes every day. You can learn meditation to help you stabilize your moods and cope with stress more effectively. Free meditations are available at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop.You could try daily yoga, qi gong, or tai chi.
Avoid Addiction Flow and Balance
- Addictions and dependencies such as tobacco, caffeine, sugar, carbohydrates, overeating, gambling, shopping, excessive social media use, methamphetamine, cocaine, opioids (both illicit and prescribed), and alcohol can all take a major toll on your overall health and well-being. If you think you have an addiction, seek treatment. Any addiction can cause problems with family and friends, at work, in your body, and in your personal lif‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations; Flow and Balance
Because the deep unconscious has similar perceptions to a child it is often called ‘the child within’ in psychology. Therefore, just like a small child, a simple message repeated, will eventually become a new deep unconscious belief.
‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are read once aloud so that your conscious mind can hear the affirmation and logically approve it before it slips down below normal conscious awareness below the level of the foreground environmental sounds or music. In this way, the conscious mind, which acts as a sort of ‘filter’ or ‘gate-keeper’ can not only approve of the affirmation content first, but it can occasionally be logically influenced by the message too.
If you listen carefully enough you may perceive the affirmations from time-to-time in the silent moments of the foreground sounds. Research has confirmed that so-called ‘silent’ affirmations that cannot be perceived are ineffective and useless (except as placebo’s) because they are ‘silent’.
Only ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations feature these important properties. They have been designed, based upon research, so your conscious mind will logically accept the affirmations and ‘unlock the gateway’ to your deep unconscious. Which is the domain of emotions, beliefs, and behaviours.
When ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are used to ‘lock-in’ the deep unconscious shift achieved following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella the results can be nothing less than miraculous.
The more the Welcome Flow and Balance messages are repeated over and over, the more they are uncritically accepted by the deep unconscious. If you listen to the Welcome Flow and Balance MP3 while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear this message almost 400 times every night. If you were to listen to the ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 while sleeping, you could choose to also listen to the ‘Pleasant piano and guitar melody’ and/or the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Then your deep unconscious would hear the affirmations repeated around 800 – 1200 times, while your logical conscious mind would hear it around 60 – 90 times. That’s powerful because a message repeated enough will become a new unconscious belief.
Also because we all have different listening preferences, Welcome Flow and Balance have a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. ‘Click here’ to hear samples.
Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option is to download and listen to Bulky Bank Balance subliminal affirmations as recommended. This approach is very effective for many people.
Subliminal Affirmation Text: Welcome Flow and Balance
“Every-day and in every-way, your life is more harmonious and balanced.
Your mind is emotionally aligned and clear of past conflicts.
Your inner beliefs and values are aligned and balanced.
You are now more clear in the mind, more relaxed in the body.
You are coping better with everything and everybody… More confident… Greater self-control and flow… The way you feel is becoming even more balanced… because the burdens and conflicts have lifted forever and ever now that you welcome more flow and balance into your life”
All of the “Welcome Flow and Balance” Classic MP3’s are available individually or bundled together and discounted by 50%. They are; (1) Binaural Anti Anxiety (2) Environment Lake Waves (3) Music Piano and Guitar (4) Music Zumba Latin Dance. Full price: $39.96 Bundled Discount: $19.98 Save: $19.98
Some people prefer to listen to hypnosis. For them we have created Prime Hypnosis.
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up late 2024. They will not be annoying and bothersome because they are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video. Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो coming soon.
An alternative option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete diagnostics and a one-on-one interview where he can recommend the most appropriate supplements, nutrition, MP3 resources etc etc for your individual challenge.
‘Click’ on the skypetherapy.Live. image to read details.
The A Bulky Bank Balance MP3 can be most effectively used as a long-term maintenance resource to ‘lock-in’ the new unconscious beliefs, following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella.
Now you can listen to A Bulky Bank Balance subliminals when ready to sleep and let these gentle and encouraging words guide your unconscious mind into the realms of dreams.
Please read the Subliminal Listening Guide before use.
‘Click’ on the image to read details.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. We are so delighted with the Welcome Flow and Balance subliminal affirmations they come with the same industry-leading, lifetime money-back, guarantee as all ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations. ‘Click’ on the image to read details.
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‘Click’ on the image to read details.

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Created and © Copyright 2017-24 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Not for resale.
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