The Win Win Win guided meditation incorporates the sounds of inspiring hypnotic suggestions from Peter Zapfella, together with subliminal affirmations, binaural waves, and the comforting sounds of distant waves and music.
Winners have the courage to stand up and be counted. They stretch themselves beyond their comfort zone. They have optimism, flexibility, adaptability, and confidence.
Winners take calculated risks because they know people who do – WIN!
They also know that people who try to stay in their ‘comfort zone’ are ‘stuck’, they are going nowhere.
Winners are constantly moving forward. They make achievable plans based upon opportunity and available resources. Risks are carefully calculated for successful outcomes.
Every day and in every way things are as they should be. Welcome the opportunity to learn and grow.
Winners are flexible because they can change and adapt to the unexpected.
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

Winners smile often and make contact when greeting people with eye contact. Winners talk to themselves in positive, optimistic ways. They team up with others and win together, they support and co-operate.
Winners have a plan, with a clear objective. Winners plan the steps to achieve their goals taking into consideration all of the alternatives, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. They build-in flexibility to their plan so they can adapt to changing circumstances. Then they put their plan into action and make it happen.
This FREE MP3 will inspire your unconscious mind to greater things. Win Win Win will build a wonderful trust between your unconscious mind and the voice of Peter Zapfella, so that ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations at Internet Hypnosis. Shop will be even more effective for you.
Win-Win sees life as a cooperative arena, not as a competition. It is driven by empathy, compassion and working together for mutual benefit. On the political scene we see the European Community promoting at win – win theme, while Russia promotes at win – lose theme. Attributes of win – win include honesty, fairness and patience.
Win Win Win Alternatives?
Win–Lose is an attitude that everything and everyone is a competition. While competition can be a very good thing, people working with this attitude view life like a football game – there can only be one winner and one loser. Winner takes all.
Lose-Win is a situation where you give in rather than try to express your feelings or needs. You compromise your values and standards to make others happy.
Lose-Lose is a situation where no one comes out with what they need or want. It is a negative situation for everyone involved. Fighting is a great example of a lose–lose situation. If you think about it, both people get hurt and usually neither person feels good in the end. The attitude of lose-lose is that if I am going down, I am going to bring you with me. This does not help anyone involved and often makes problems worse.
Revenge is another example of a lose-lose situation. By getting revenge, you may think you are getting even and thus winning, but really you are hurting yourself just as much. Lose-lose is often the outcome to situations where the people involved want to win at any cost.
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