Subliminal Listening Guide


SUBLIMINAL-LISTENING-GUIDE © Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Click Here to see Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations. Listening Guide.

The word ‘subliminal’ means ‘below threshold’ of conscious perception, yet within the perception of the lower ranges of deep unconscious awareness.

The word ‘affirmation’ means affirming, assertion or perhaps declaration. (Not ‘Mantra’)

Imagine, you are a small child, perhaps pre-school, someone is saying wonderful, inspiring things to you. They are teaching you things you never knew. They repeat these things over and over again.

Of course, you listen. With the power of emotion your child mind eventually accepts these statements as its own truth. They become new beliefs. These beliefs influence new behaviors in a positive way.

In psychology, your deep unconscious and mine too, is often referred to as ‘the child mind within’. This is because, just like small children, your deep unconscious mind enjoys repetition, and that is the best way for it to learn! 

Welcome subliminal affirmation messages are clearly written on the relevant product page at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. So, you know exactly what your deep unconscious mind will hear even before you download the MP3.

Some Classic Welcome Subliminal Affirmations are designed to be played in the background as you are awake and engaged in other activities. These include Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ melody, ‘Country Guitars foot-tapping jigs’ with fiddle, and banjo. Zumba’ style Latin dance music and Beta wave binaurals. This is designed to stimulate and vitalize you while listening. Great for driving, gym, walking, running and other physical activities. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if you want to relax and perhaps sleep, or if epileptic as it is designed to keep you awake. It is theoretically possible for ‘Beta’ binaural to cause ‘mental exhaustion’ if listened to for too long.

Others including Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’, Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’, plus Alpha ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves, Theta binaural waves and seXXX brain wave binaural waves are designed to cause the listener to feel drowsy and sleep. WARNING: DO NOT listen to these MP3 when driving or using machinery. If you feel yourself ‘zoning out’ STOP. Do NOT listen to ‘binaural waves if epileptic.


The first ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations secret of success is repetition. There are different ways to achieve this;

  • Peter Zapfella’s ‘Welcome’ subliminal messages are like a caring parent or good friend who is inspiring you to develop new behaviors, habits, and beliefs that you already know you need for a happier life. They motivate you to change for the better. They focus your unconscious mind and encourage it to make positive changes as it hears the positive messages repeated over and over again.
  • They can usually be used in the background while driving, at work, in the home, and while sleeping, for extended periods of time. WARNING: If you feel ‘dis-orientated’ or ‘tired’ while listening do not drive or use heavy machinery. DO NOT listen to ‘Theta’ binaural or the Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’, Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’ while driving.
  • For best results listen to the subliminal messages on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ for hours at a time. You can listen all night, while you sleep.
  • There are up to 9 different ‘foreground’ sounds for you to choose from.
  • These positive subliminal messages are repeated every minute or so, and masked by pleasant sounds of nature (gentle waves and rain) or music (pleasant piano, country guitars or ‘Zumba’ style Latin dance) – your choice.
  • You can listen to your 15 to 20 minute MP3’s on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ on your device while sleeping. Because the affirmations are repeated every minute or so, your unconscious mind will hear the affirmations up to 500 times during one night’s normal sleep.
  • If there are loud or distracting background sounds in your own environment, you can choose to listen with earbuds or headphones for as long as possible on ‘loop’ or ‘repeat’.
  • Because the stereo effect is important, for best results ‘binaural waves’ should be listened to with headphones or earbuds.
  • You can also burn your MP3’s onto a CD and play them on your stereo.
  • The Listening Guide suggests; Mix it up! Because we all have different listening preferences, we offer a choice of foreground sounds for every subliminal program. Download whichever matches your style and mood. As you can listen to different masking sounds of the same affirmations, you will not become bored.
  • To encourage you to listen to your affirmations as often as possible perhaps using a variety of foreground sounds our Bundles are discounted by 50%.
  • There are more than 440 titles to choose from – this is the largest range available anywhere on the internet.
  • You can read the text of the affirmations on every product page so you can e sure to discover exactly the right message you need.
  • Many are available in multiple languages. These include Chinese Mandarin, Spanish, Indian Hindi. Portuguese, Arabic, Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia Malay and of course English. No other MP3 download web site has these multiple languages available.
  • If you are on the move you can slip on some stereo ear buds or earphones, or listen on speakers and soak in our ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations any-time and anywhere. The messages are so low your conscious mind can barely hear them, so they don’t interfere with other things you may be doing.
  • The listening time it takes to be effective will vary with every individual and their life experience. Some will notice measurable changes within hours while others may need longer. Don’t be surprised to hear your family and friends notice the changes in your attitude and behavior. So, keep listening day by day until you achieve personal miracles in your life!
  • “I’ve definitely noticed some real changes in just a week. I’m so grateful. Told a few of my friends about you too” Tania Byrnes.
  • The second ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations secret of success is emotion. That is one of the reasons we have an audible ‘first read’ of the affirmations on every MP3. When you listen to the affirmations it stirs emotions deep within you. These empower the subliminals into action. 
  • The audible first read of the script also allows your logical conscious mind to process and approve the content before your deep unconscious hears and acts upon it. Only audible once every 15 to 20 minutes prevents it becoming ‘over done’ and becoming ineffective.
  • A good idea is to print out the subliminal affirmation text and place it on the refrigerator door, at your desk, and any other place you will be able to see it and read it throughout the day. In that way it reinforces the message.
  • You can combine your Welcome subliminal affirmations with Prime Hypnosis and/or Hipno Hop Rap for even faster results.
  • Peter Zapfella is an internationally reconnoiter and certified Master and Trainer of Neurolinguistic Programming NLP and Hypnotherapy.
  • He has been a psychotherapist since 1995 and worked with thousands of individual clients throughout Australia and around the world.
  • Remember, you will achieve faster, better results when using this ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella.
  • Finally, Peter Zapfella and his team are altruistically driven to provide the highest quality products at an affordable price (less than $5 each in Bundles. Some are free) for the typical Internet user.
  • These products have been carefully designed and produced to the highest technical standards so that you can overcome the psychological, emotional, and perhaps physical limitations that have controlled you until now. We see people everywhere achieving their life aspirations and living beyond limits. We invite you to join us on our quest to change our world for the better.
  • Only ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations feature these important properties;
    • You can clearly hear the ‘first read’ of every Welcome Physical Activity subliminal before it slides down below the masking foreground music and sounds. In this way, you consciously, logically, and analytically process the message. This builds conscious trust and confidence in the affirmation messages. Conscious acceptance ‘un-locks the gate’ more effective than others.
    • As you continue to listen you will hear ‘distant’ words, somewhere within the foreground music. Research proves this audio level to be most effective in creating unconscious learnings and long-term change. It is also reassuring because you know what your deep unconscious mind is hearing.
    • Because Welcome Physical Activity subliminal MP3’s are more effective the longer you listen on ‘repeat’ while driving, working, at the gym, running, sleeping, or anytime you choose. There is no need to focus on listening because they are designed to be most effective in the background.
    • If you listen while sleeping, on ‘repeat’ your unconscious mind will hear the Welcome Physical Activity message more than 400 times every night. If you were to listen to the ‘Environmental – Lake waves’ MP3 or ‘Theta’ binaural waves while sleeping. You can choose to listen to the pleasant piano and guitar’ melody and the ‘Zumba’ – Latin style dance music during the day. Then your deep unconscious can hear the affirmations repeated an additional 800 – 1200 times. That’s powerful.
    • The more you listen to your Welcome Physical Activity subliminal affirmation messages = greater number of repetitions heard = clear negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs = a new attitude and behaviors.
    • Perhaps the cheapest and easiest option is to download and listen to Welcome Physical Activity subliminal affirmations as recommended. This approach is very effective for many people.
    • An alternative option is to consult with Peter using Skype to complete relevant diagnostics and a one-on-one interview where he can recommend the most appropriate approach for you. It may be a one-on-one session, supplements, nutrition, MP3 resources etc etc for your individual experience.
    • The listening time it takes to change will vary with every individual. Following optional one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella most will notice measurable changes almost immediately.
    • If you have not ‘cleared’ the underlying emotional challenge and associated deep unconscious beliefs before listening you should expect it to take longer for behavioral changes to occur, perhaps weeks. As everyone has a different life story it would be irresponsible for us to suggest a likely time period.
    • So, keep listening today-by-day until you create personal miracles in your life! Perhaps, the first you may know you have changed will be positive comments from family and friends who have noticed subtle changes in your behaviors.
    • Peter Zapfella has 30 years of professional experience as a psychotherapist, having worked for some of Australia’s largest and most respected companies.
  • Click to see video, button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Prime hypnosis

If you prefer to listen to your affirmation messages preceded by an advanced hypnotic induction, we give you that option too! Enter …

PRIME HYPNOSIS are MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay and Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो  coming soon.

Hypnosis MP3s require you to stop doing everything else, and relax as you listen – free of distractions and interruptions. They can be used while you sleep.

WARNING: DO NOT listen while driving or using machinery.

Hipno Hop Rap, Hypno Hop Rap, rap


Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the first and only hypnosis and subliminal affirmation download web site to feature rhythmic and rhyming chanted therapeutic lyrics presented in a Rap format. These specifically appeal to young people who may not understand or trust hypnosis or subliminals. But they do understand Rap.

This format of psychological therapy appeals to a segment (specifically young people, particularly males) who generally avoid therapy as a way to deal with their life challenges. It is not as if they do not have problems – they do.

Just like most Welcome subliminal affirmations, Hipno Hop Rap can be listened to while driving or using heavy machinery as it does not cause drowsiness. That’s great because the more you listen the better the results.

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Created by Peter Zapfella © Copyright 2018-2024 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Relevant Backlinks Invited. Not for resale. Not for duplication.

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