Click ‘Variants’ below to view the Foreground Variants video by our hostess Candy
Variants – Subliminal Affirmation Variant Foreground Sounds – Video
‘Welcome’ foreground variants are read aloud once, so you can clearly hear the affirmation before it fades down into the background and becomes subliminal. In that way you consciously know exactly what your deep unconscious mind is about to hear. This builds confidence in the messages while at the same time ‘unlocking’ access to the deep unconscious mind and facilitating profound change.
The sound level of the affirmation messages are low, but not absolutely ‘silent’. Your conscious mind could hear them if there were no masking foreground sounds. Studies prove this is the most effective subliminal level for success because the conscious mind knows they are there, yet they are not irritating and annoying. Because we all have different listening preferences, every ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmation product has a choice of foreground variants for you to choose from. You can download whichever foreground variants match your style and mood.
‘Prime Hypnosis’ MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with two qualified hypnotherapists at the same time – Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. These are being added to every English language Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations. Chinese Mandarin and Spanish language Prime Hypnosis to follow.
Prime Hypnosis English language video. 中文普通话视频. Video en español.
Foreign Language ‘Welcome’ Subliminal Affirmations

In addition to English, various foreign language ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations are progressively being translated and recorded. Six new languages with five foreground variants each are being introduced.
Just like the English versions, they all feature an audible first read. They are;
Chinese Mandarin – 2025年将有超过200种流行的MP3用中文播放。
Spanish – Más de doscientos MP3 populares estarán disponibles en español en 2025.
Portuguese – Mais de cem MP3s populares estarão disponíveis em português em 2025.
Indonesian/Malay – Penegasan subliminal bahasa Indonesia tersedia pada akhir tahun 2025.
Indian Hindi – 2025 में भारतीय हिंदी में दो सौ से अधिक लोकप्रिय एमपी 3 उपलब्ध होंगे।
سيتم ترجمة ما يصل إلى مائتي تأكيد “ترحيب” مموه إلى اللغة العربية وتسجيل 2025. – Arabic
Why introduce foreign language subliminal affirmation titles? (Click Here to read)
Discounted Subliminal Affirmation MP3 Bundles
Discounted Bundles – Video in English (Click here)中文普通话视频 Video en españolभारतीय हिंदी वीडियोVídeo portuguêsVideo Indonesia فيديو عربي
All Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation variants for each product have been bundled together and discounted by up to 50 percent. You can listen to different foreground masking sounds of the same affirmations. While the list price of individual variants remains unchanged, we have discounted the Bundles by a massive 50 per cent to encourage you to listen to different foreground sounds of the same messages, thereby listening longer and achieving worthwhile results faster.
Some MP3’s may promote deep relaxation and sleep, while others promote activity, including driving, gym, and running. By selecting Bundles, you can choose to listen to the same affirmations, with a different variant, from the same Bundle depending on your activity. Buy one get one free!
Prime Hypnosis

In production now. PRIME HYPNOSIS introduced by professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad. English language video. 中文普通话视频. Video en español.
English language Classic ‘Prime Hypnosis’ MP3’s are in production now. Spanish, Chinese Mandarin and Indian Hindi language Classic ‘Prime Hypnosis’ MP3s will follow.
They incorporate an advanced hypnotic induction by Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad , followed by the relevant Classic Welcome affirmations, repeated 10 plus times. Relaxing music and Theta binaural waves complete the ‘life changing’ experience.
Have you noticed? Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the only MP3 download web site that features both hypnotherapy and subliminal affirmations.
The word Prime is defined as ‘of first importance or main or top-quality. and highest quality and top-tier or best or first-class and first-rate. Also high-grade or grade A and superior or supreme. Perhaps flawless and choice or select or finest and peak and optimal. Also excellent and marvelous or magnificent and superb or wonderful or exceptional and formidable. Some say top of the range or top of the line.’
Classic Foreground Variants
‘Classic’ is defined as, ‘judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and most outstanding of its kind’.
Environmental ‘Gentle lake waves’ is a Classic Welcome subliminal foreground. Gentle sounds of nature promote feelings of calm and relaxation. While Environmental ‘Gentle Lake Waves’ affirmations are read once aloud before they fade down below the sounds of nature, Peter Zapfella is currently introducing a ‘long play’ version (available within Bundles) with no first read., This is designed to be listened too while sleeping without interruption. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 when driving or using machinery as it is very relaxing and may cause drowsiness and sleep.
Environmental ‘Gentle Lake Waves’
Click > below to hear a sample of the lake waves..
Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’ is a Classic. Natural sounds of our environment outside are reminiscent of tranquil relaxation on the inside, where it is most comforting. Gentle rain on a tin roof is being progressively introduced. While Environmental ‘Gentle rain on a tin roof’ affirmations are read once aloud before they fade down below the sounds of nature, Peter Zapfella is currently introducing a ‘long play’ version (available within Bundles) with no first read. This is designed to be listened too while sleeping without interruption. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this Subliminal Affirmation MP3 when driving or using machinery as it is very relaxing and may cause drowsiness and sleep.
Click > below to hear a sample of the rain..
Pleasant ‘guitar and piano’ melody is a Classic Welcome subliminal foreground. You will soon love these pleasant melodies somewhere in the background, as you go about your daily activities. As you consciously listen to the music your deep unconscious is listening and learning to the messages repeated every minute or so. Repetition creates positive behavioral change for the better.
Click > below to hear sample of the piano and guitar melody.
‘Country Guitars foot-tapping jigs’ with fiddle, and banjo is a Classic. Perhaps you can listen as you enjoy a glass of wine, a beer or a bourbon while watching the sunset after a long and worthwhile day. The subliminal messages enter your deep unconscious mind as they bring positive permanent change throughout your life. Country is being progressively introduced.
‘Click’ to listen to ‘Internet Hypnosis dot Shop’ Country Song
Click > below to hear sample of the country music.
‘Zumba’ style Latin dance music is a Classic Welcome subliminal foreground. Upbeat ‘Zumba’ style Latin dance music. Great for driving, gym, walking, running, dancing, and other physical activities. An extended version is being introduced to new Welcome titles now.
‘Click’ to listen to Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Reggae Song
and the Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – Latin Song.
Click > below to hear sample ‘Zumba’ Latin dance music.

Binaural Wave Foreground Variants
There are four different binaural wave foreground variants available in Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations.
These are;
- Alpha Anti-Anxiety,
- Beta (stimulating alertness/activity),
- Theta (stimulating deep sleep), and
- seXXX (stimulating sexual thoughts and feelings)
A binaural wave is an auditory illusion perceived when two different pure-tone sine waves, both with frequencies lower than 1500 Hz, with less than 40 Hz difference between them, are presented to the listener dichotically. Binaural waves are most effective when heard with headphones, a different tone in each ear.
All ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation MP3’s have at least one optional binaural waves variant. They are most effective when used with headphones, to get the full dichotical/stereo effect. This feature is not included with other Classic music and environmental sound variants, so you have a choice.
Most ‘Welcome’ titles incorporate an optional Alpha ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves MP3, designed to help you feel more confident. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if epileptic. If you feel drowsy while driving or using machinery stop.
Click > below to hear a sample of the binaural waves.
Beta wave binaural is a Classic Welcome subliminal foreground. It is designed to stimulate and vitalize you while listening. Great for driving, gym, walking, running and other physical activities. These are being progressively added to many product variant choices. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if you want to relax and perhaps sleep, or if epileptic as it is designed to keep you awake. Some individuals report feeling exhausted if they listen for long periods.
Click > below to hear a sample of the binaural waves.
Theta binaural waves are available on some Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations products, as appropriate. It can stimulate deep relaxation, and perhaps sleep. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 when driving or using machinery, or if epileptic as this binaural is designed to cause the listener to feel drowsy and sleep.
Click > below to hear a sample of the binaural waves.
The optional seXXX brain wave binaural waves is a Classic Welcome subliminal foreground. They are designed to make you more receptive to sexual thoughts and feelings while the unconscious mind is listening to the relevant subliminal affirmations. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 when driving or using machinery, or if epileptic.
Hipno Hop Rap
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the first and only hypnosis or subliminal affirmation MP3 download web site to feature rhythmic and rhyming chanted therapeutic lyrics presented in a Rap format. These specifically appeal to young people who may not understand or trust hypnosis or subliminals. But they do understand Rap.
This format of psychological therapy appeals to a segment (specifically young people, particularly males) who generally avoid therapy as a way to deal with their life challenges. It is not as if they do not have problems – they do.
They may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand and trust Rap. hypno hop rap
The rhythmic and rhyming chanting which is Rap, and wider Hip Hop culture (including clothing fashion, deejaying using sliding and scratching turntable manipulation, a repertoire of acrobatic and occasionally airborne moves which is hip hop dancing moves (freestyle, krumping, popping, locking, up rock, boogaloo, reggae, and breakdancing (shuffles, spins, jerks) and graffiti art) are now a recognized link between psychotherapists and troubled youth everywhere.
Peter has written and performed this Rap for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop as an example of the lyrical format. ‘Click’ > to watch and read the lyric’s.
Peter Zapfella has taken Rap to the next level and made it the therapy. Peter say’s the fundamental difference between Rap and subliminal affirmations and hypnosis is that Rap is recited repeatedly. It is Rapped in the first person therefore it is saying ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘My’. The Rapper owns the statement with ‘attitude’. While subliminal affirmations and hypnosis are spoken to the listener saying ‘you’, ‘your’ and ‘you are’. They are given to the listener as a reassuring gift.
By listening over and over and learning the words (the text of every Rap is available on the relevant product page) the deep unconscious mind of the listener is ‘imprinted’ with new positive messages.
In time, and with the power of emotion these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful. Just ask Ed Sheeran.
Every Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined together for even more effective change.
Therapies range from overcoming nail biting, through better surfing and peak athletic performance to overcoming premature ejaculation and vaping E cigarettes. and many more hypno hop rap
Spanish en Español. Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia Malay Indian Hindi भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो French langue Française and Portuguese Língua Portuguesa coming. hypno hop rap
Surge Effect Foreground Variants
Click > above to hear more about the Surge Effect from our hostess; Candy
Subliminal Affirmations with Surge Effect TM are trademark owned and © copyright 2020 -25 of Peter Zapfella exclusively for Internet Hypnosis. Shop. Surge Effect TM is a Premium Product.
- This is how it works;
- Subliminal Affirmations with Surge Effect TM are a break-through hypnotic technology exclusive to Internet Hypnosis. Shop.
- Premium Surge Effect TM MP3s run between 20 and 30 minutes (That is up to twice as long as the Classic titles, and three times longer than many other products on the Internet). They can be played on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ for as long as you wish. You can select the foreground sounds to best suit your chosen activities. Perhaps relaxing, sleeping, or in the background at work. Alternatively, exercising, walking, running, at the gym – even dancing. You choose.
The main affirmation channel of positive messages is usually spoken by Peter Zapfella. He speaks to ‘you’ and ‘your’. In the second stereo channel the script is intentionally inclusive by saying ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’ as appropriate. Never ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘they’, ‘them’, ‘they’re’ or ‘their’, as other affirmation web sites often incorrectly say.
- The second stereo channel is usually voiced by either;
- Children’s category products are voiced by children. Either (Will) and/or (Lilly) in the second channel saying ‘we’, ‘our’ or ‘us’. A young woman (Heather) speaks in the first channel addressing ‘you’ and ‘your’.
- Using a randomized, nonblinded, repeated measures design study, 176 sleeping (stage 4 slow-wave sleep) children aged 5 to 12 years old were exposed to the voice of a female stranger. 83.0 percent responded. That is almost 5 percent more than the 78.4 percent who responded to the voice of their own mother. In another study, 84.6 percent responded to a stranger male voice, while almost 3 percent more, or 87.2 percent responded to a stranger female voice. Therefore all Internet Hypnosis. Shop ‘Welcome’ premium MP3’s for children feature the voice of Heather, our female voice-over artist, and Will our male child voice talent, and Lilly our female child voice-over artist. Peter Zapfella does not voice those titles.
- The Men’s category products feature a mature man (Tennyson) and/or a younger man (David), and in some titles a boy (Will), as appropriate. They all say ‘we’, ‘our’ and ‘us’, never ‘I’, ‘me’, ‘my’, ‘mine’, as other affirmation web sites incorrectly say.
- All Women’s category titles are stated by Heather, and sometimes young Lilly in the second stereo channel.
Premium Welcome subliminal affirmations incorporate Isochoric Tones. They are more effective than Binaural Waves. They do not require headphones to be effective.
Isochoric tones are consistent regular beats of a single tone, which is switched on and off very quickly. The speed of switching is measured in Hertz (Hz). The distinct and repetitive switching of isochoric tones produce what is termed an evoked response in the brain. This is an electrical potential which can be seen and recorded using an Electroencephalograph (EEG). They produce a more distinct tone than Binaural waves, which result in a stronger ‘cortical evoked response’ in the brain, making them more efficient and effective.
- Both Premium Welcome Subliminal Affirmation Surge Effect TM channels are dichotic. They ‘effervesce’, ‘swirl’ and ‘surge’, like a wave. Both voiced stereo channels could be heard by the listener’s conscious mind if the foreground sounds were absent. Presented dichotically they fascinate the deep unconscious mind, causing some level of hypnotic trance and therefore focusing it on the semantics, the emotion, and thereby cause dynamic deep unconscious change. This powerful hypnotic effect is exclusive to Internet Hypnosis. Shop premium subliminal affirmation Surge Effect TM.
- For best results listen to Surge Effect TM through stereo earbuds or headphones. WARNING: Unlike Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations DO NOT listen if driving, using machinery, or if epileptic, as the Surge Effect TM is designed to create deep unconscious trance, and possible sleep.
- Surge Effect TM foreground variants are only available in Environmental ‘Mountain stream’, ‘Slow Keyboards and Guitar’, ‘Inspiration Taking Flight’,‘Beautiful Latin and Pan Flute’ melodies, and Theta Isochoric Tones (Relax and sleep) or Beta Isochoric Tones (Increased energy and activity).
- They are all available separately and within discounted Bundles at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop. Rollout commences once the Classic rollout has completed.
- The great advantage of Bundles is, if listening to each MP3 variant of your chosen title just once, your deep unconscious will hear your affirmations subliminally repeated between 100 and 150 times. That’s powerful!
- Unlike so many illicit and prescribed drugs, you cannot overdose on Premium Surge Effect TM titles.
- Synonyms of surge; effervesce and swirl and wave. Perhaps whoosh or fizz or sparkle or froth or churning or foam. Also deluge or flood or flow or rise and swell or upsurge or billow and efflux or gush and intensification. Perhaps roll like surf and boil and churn and twirl or whirl and curl like waves that eddy and purl. whirlpool.
Premium Foreground Variants
‘Premium’ is defined as “a product having a superior design”, coming from a trusted brand and doing something no other (similar) product provides.”
We will add a new masking environmental sound when the Classic rollout is complete. As you gaze on the beautiful scene of melted snow, giant tree ferns and moss covered river rocks Environmental ‘Mountain stream’ with Surge Effect TM is great for listening while relaxing and sleeping.
Click > below to hear a sample of the mountain stream.
Up to four new music styles will be added to the menu from 2025 onward. These are;
‘Inspiration Taking Flight’ with Surge Effect TM Soaring orchestral strings, choir, keyboard, percussion, then electronic music takes flight as it exhilarates the heart and mind. We spread our wings with this wonderful arrangement as soon as the Classic rollout is complete. This will quickly become a favorite. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this Subliminal Affirmation MP3 when driving or using machinery, or if epileptic, as it is very relaxing and may cause drowsiness and sleep.
Click > below to hear sample of the inspirational music.
‘Beautiful Latin and Pan Flute’ melodies with Surge Effect TM. Everyone loves the haunting sounds of the pan flute. Be transported to the mystical Andes mountains in your mind, as you benefit from the positive affirmations deep within. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if driving or using machinery, or if epileptic.
Click > below to hear sample of Beautiful Latin and Pan Flute’ melodies
‘Slow Keyboards and Guitars’ with Surge Effect TM and with ocean waves. A premium mix of slow music and soothing environmental sounds. look for it when the Classic rollout is complete. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if driving or using machinery, or if epileptic.
Click > below to hear sample of Slow Keyboards and Guitars.
‘Theta Isochoric Tones’ with Surge Effect TM. These tones promote relaxation and sleep, as you benefit from the positive affirmations within. While they have similar effects on the brain to Theta binaural waves, they do not require headphones to be effective. Isochronic tones are a technological advancement beyond binaural waves. They produce a more distinct tone, which results in a stronger ‘cortical evoked response’ in the brain, making the stimulation more effective. This powerful feature is not included with other Premium music and environmental sound variants, so you have a choice. Look for it soon after the Classic rollout is complete. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if driving or using machinery, or if epileptic.
‘Beta Isochoric Tones’ with Surge Effect TM. These tones promote alertness and activity, as you benefit from the positive affirmations within. While they have similar effects on the brain to Beta binaural waves. Great for gym, walking, running and other sporting and physical activities. They do not require headphones to be effective. Isochoric tones are a technological advancement beyond binaural waves. They produce a more distinct tone, which results in a stronger ‘cortical evoked response’ in the brain, making the stimulation more effective. Look for it soon after the Classic rollout is complete. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if driving or using machinery, or if epileptic.
Trademarks owned and © copyright 2020 -25 of Peter Zapfella exclusively for Internet Hypnosis. Shop. WARNING: As a security device all Internet Hypnosis dot Shop MP3 products carry a subliminal watermark.