FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
- Who is Peter Zapfella?
- Where are Peter Zapfella’s clinic’s?
- Peter is based in the Perth and Peel regions of Western Australia, and before Covid-19 was available monthly in Darwin and Bali and sometimes Singapore. Also available from time-to-time in Manila, and Cebu City (in the Philippines).
- Peter has been vaccinated for Covid-19 x 4. He continues to wear a mask in public and with his clients.
- What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a popular method for experiencing trance, but it is not the only approach. Researcher Dennis R Wier has been experimenting with trance for more than 35 years. In his book, Trance: from Magic to Technology, he defined trance as “a state of mind being caused by cognitive loops were a cognitive object (thoughts, images, sounds, intentional actions) repeats long enough to result in various sets of disabled cognitive functions.” … “at least some cognitive functions such as volition are disabled; as is seen in what is typically termed a ‘hypnotic trance’.
A hypnotist is not something a hypnotist does to someone, he or she expertly guides or facilitates a person to create their own trance state, therefore “All hypnosis is self hypnosis”
Meditation, addictions, captivation, and frenzy are all trance states. We also see trance states induced from indigenous and religious peoples rhythmic percussion, drumming, chants, and dance.
People are usually guided into trance by a hypnotist, who may be a Sharman, mystic, priest, or yogi. With practice, individuals can choose to achieve trance themselves through some forms of meditation, self-hypnosis, and prayer. People also experience trance through television, advertising, trauma, panic attahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rbrKzw6eZ4cks, psychosis, euphoria, and some psychedelic drugs such as LSD, peyote, and psilocybin.
When people think of hypnotic trance they think of asleep. I have had several clients over the years who have said ‘That did not work. I was not hypnotized, because I was not asleep.” They think hypnotic trance is sleep. The fact is trance can be very active too. People can achieve trance states while dancing, in athletic pursuits and facing real or imagined threats to their survival.
- What is trance?
Trance is a natural, it is not artificial. We all experience it, every day. Trance in its self is not dangerous. It is sometimes called an ‘altered state of consciousness’, although altered from what I don’t know.
Dictionary.com defines ‘trance’ as:
1. a half-conscious state, seemingly between sleeping and waking, in which the ability to function voluntarily may be suspended.
2.a dazed or bewildered condition.
3.a state of complete mental absorption or deep musing.
4.an unconscious, cataleptic, or hypnotic condition.
5.Spiritualism. a temporary state in which a medium, with suspension of personal consciousness, is controlled by an intelligence from without and used as a means of communication, as from the dead.
- How are brain waves measured?
- Our brain waves are measured in hertz (symbol Hz). They are defined as cycles per second of frequency. This unit of measurement is most commonly used in audio, music, and radio-related applications. Our brain waves are divided into the following ranges measured in hertz using an electroencephalograph.
Gamma waves occur in the range of 25 – 100 Hz. Meditating Tibetan Monks feeling compassion and experiencing ‘bliss’ have been measured as high as 40 Hz. However, this level of brain wave activity has rarely been measured.
Beta waves occur at 12.5 to 30 Hz. They are associated with normal waking consciousness.
Alpha waves occur in the range of 7.5 – 12.5 Hz. They are associated with wakeful relaxation while the eyes are closed. It is the state of ‘light-hypnosis’. Masters of Zen meditation have been able to show noticeably more alpha waves during meditation.
Theta waves occur in the range of 4 – 7.5 Hz. They are associated with meditation, deeper hypnosis, drowsiness, and light sleep.
Delta waves occur in the range of 0.5 – 4 Hz. Deep dreamless sleep, coma, Yoga Nidra (sleep yoga), and a deep meditative state known as “jagrat sushupti” occur at this level.
- What is Hypnotherapy?
- Hypnotherapy is a system of psychotherapy using hypnotism for therapeutic intention.
A good hypnotherapist will:
- Provide details of their training and experience.
- Quote the anticipated time and fee for therapy.
- Consult with their client to determine the presenting challenge, it’s likely ‘root cause’, as well as the symptoms.
- Verify the desired outcome as a result of therapy.
- Identify any circumstances that may preclude the use of hypnosis. Such as contra-indicated health issues.
- Explain hypnosis and the hypnotic trance to their client.
- Lead or induce an appropriate level of hypnotic state or trance in their client.
- Guide the subconscious and deeper unconscious of the client to resolve the presenting challenge and any symptoms.
- Bring the client back to a normal waking state, and reassure them.
A good hypnotherapist will guide the unconscious mind to discover the ‘root cause’ memory of the presenting challenge and resolve it. I believe a good hypnotherapist will also provide guidance and support. Unfortunately, there are people who set themselves up as hypnotherapists with little or no training or experience. These poorly trained or lazy hypnotherapists sometimes damage the reputations of all the good hypnotherapist.
There are different types of hypnotherapy. They include:
- Indigenous
- Traditional
- Ericksonian
- Advanced
Indigenous healing was and is practiced by Sharman, witch doctors, and priests in indigenous societies around the world. They usually use ceremonial costumes, rattles, bells, rhythmic drums, and ‘magik’ to create a trance state in themselves and their subject. They may also use potions made from herbs to create an altered state. This usually takes many hours, and sometimes days to achieve. This healing is probably as old as man itself.
Traditional Hypnotherapy had its beginnings with Father Maximilian Hell (1720 – 1792) who used Sharman like costumes and chanting to induce trance and to ‘drive out evil spirits’. It typically took hours for his patients to achieve trance states.
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734 –1815) ‘perfected’ the method by introducing the fascination of magnetism, which he called ‘animal magnetism’. Perhaps you have heard the term ‘mesmerizing’? People thought magnets were ‘magik’, and the shock of seeing rocks apparently move by themselves assisted trance. Magic tricks can throw people into a trance.
Doctor James Esdaile (1808 – 1859) was a pioneer of hypnosis for surgical anesthesia. He performed hundreds of operations only using hypnotic trance.
Doctor James Braid (1795 – 1860), studied Mesmer’s technique and concluded trance had nothing to do with magnetism.
Doctor Hippolyte Bernheim (1840 – 1919) ‘discovered’ false memory syndrome, which all therapists should be aware of. It can be abused and used to create positive change.
Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis said, “I was a spectator of Bernheim’s astonishing experiments upon his hospital patients, and I received the profoundest impression of the possibility that there could be powerful mental processes which nevertheless remained hidden from the consciousness of man”.
These and many others advanced the science and art of hypnotherapy.
Major George Estabrooks (1895 – 1973) used a shock and control technique to ‘hypno program’ US government military and spy’s during World War Two. The CIA and military invested millions of dollars researching hypnosis during the 1950s. As a result, it paved the way for medical, dental, and psychological purposes.
Dave Elman (1900 – 1967) was introduced to hypnotherapy through stage hypnosis. He taught doctors across America the art and science of hypnotic trance induction using direct methods, such as … “Close those eyes now”
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy. Doctor Milton Erickson (1901 – 1980), an American psychiatrist, developed unique ‘permissive’ trance induction and suggestion techniques – the complete opposite of Major George Estabrooks shock and control methods.
Milton Erickson originally trained in traditional hypnosis methods. He found the direct methods were ineffective with some patients, because they resisted. So he developed the ability to “utilize” anything about his patients to assist them to heal; including their beliefs, words, cultural background, personal history, or even their neurotic behaviors. Such as “You can close those tired eyes down whenever you want …. Now”
He conceptualized that the unconscious mind is a separate entity from the conscious mind. It has its own awareness, learning, emotions, beliefs, and behaviors.
Milton Erickson was a major influence on the development of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).
Advanced Hypnotherapy is heavily influenced by Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Psychology, and NLP. Peter Zapfella also draws upon his stage hypnosis techniques to create a trance state in his clients. He understands that everyone is in their own trance most of their waking life. He utilizes these naturally occurring trance states to create change in his clients.
- What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (programs).
NLP is an incredibly powerful collection of techniques that can quickly change emotions, beliefs, and behaviors at the unconscious level of mind. Thereby people can think, communicate, and manage themselves, and others, more effectively than ever before. One of the things about NLP that amazes hypnotherapists and psychologists is that it usually does not need a traditional hypnotic trance to effectively create fundamental changes at the deep unconscious.
That is why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used today in advertising, sales, business management, and sports coaching and all forms of personal development.
The logical conscious mind is the goal setter, while your unconscious mind is the goal-getter.
If things are not working out in your life, chances are your conscious and unconscious are incongruent. NLP removes the unconscious ‘blocks’ so it can align with the conscious mind.
NLP was created in the 1970s by a psychologist, Richard Bandler, and an assistant professor of Linguistics, John Grinder. Since then many have contributed to the building of the field. Initially, NLP was focused upon health and self-development, perhaps because Bandler and Grinder studied people like Milton Erickson. Today NLP encompasses education, business, sports, and improved inter-personal communication. It is now used to advance better communication and influence from the pulpit, presentations, advertising, and more.
I have studied NLP along-side people employed by the US FBI, police, and Australian Taxation Office.
NLP utilizes various methods, including:
- Future Pacing
- Swish
- Reframing
- Parts Integration
- Metaphor’s
- Sleight of mouth
- The Milton (Erickson) Model of communication
- Meta Programs, and
- Time Line Therapy ®
Time Line Therapy is the registered trademark of Everett James.
- What is Cyber Band® Hypnotherapy?
- Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad firstly assist their clients to privately resolve old self-limiting beliefs (for example. ‘I do not deserve…’, addictions (for example. sugar and carbohydrates) and negative emotions (for example. sadness, worry, boredom, depression, past trauma’s) related to their poor diet and excess body weight challenges. Then they educate their clients about better choices for a healthy lifestyle – techniques that are proven to work.
Now clients have the added option of CYBER-BAND® Hypnotherapy whereby the deep unconscious mind believes they have undergone gastric band surgery, forcing them to eat smaller meal potions, thereby developing new healthy habits and behaviors and controlling weight long term.
Cyber Band is a hypnotherapy technique co-developed by Peter Zapfella and Coral A. Conrad. It limits portion control while eating food by creating an illusion at the unconscious level of mind that the client has undergone an actual lap banding or by-pass procedure. It is preceded by Neuro-Linguistic and Emotional Alignment Therapy treatment to resolve the ‘root cause’ emotional and behavioral causes of weight gain.
Following years of successful clinical practice in weight control and other issues Peter Zapfella and Coral A. Conrad consulted with several people who had successfully completed gastric lap band surgery, with subsequent weight loss. They were also advised by hospital surgical staff with hands-on clinical experience in the procedure.
- FREE of surgery time off work.
- FREE of surgery pain or discomfort.
- FREE of surgery scarring.
- EASY to adjust & reversible.
- $AVE thousands over $urgery costs.
Cyber Band is a registered trademark of Peter Zapfella and Coral A Conrad.
- What is the Emotional Alignment Technique?
- The Emotional Alignment Technique (formerly the Emotional Alignment Therapy) is a Neuro-Linguistic Programming method developed by Peter Zapfella in 2002*. It quickly re-aligns conflicts between the logical and analytical conscious mind ( (See: Q. What is the Conscious Mind?) and the unconscious level of mind, which controls people’s lives through health, addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs. (See: Q. What is the Un-Conscious Mind?)
After having studied and qualified as a Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, Peter went to the US to study Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy ®, with Master Trainers Dr. Everett James Ph.D. Hypno (USA), Julie Silverthorn Psych (USA), John Overduff Psych (USA), Dr. Susan Chu MD. (HK), Ardith James (USA Dr. Dennis Sartain Ph.D. Psych (UK), and others. Peter Zapfella became a psychotherapist in private practice in 1995.
In 1997 he began working with legendary American Stage Hypnotist Reif Spano. Peter subsequently developed his own Comedy Hypnosis Show and in 2000 he accepted the opportunity to live and work in Sydney during the Sydney Olympic Games.
At that time Sydney was the center of NLP trainings in Australia, so Peter was able to repeat his original trainings and attend further trainings with Master Trainers Dr. Everett James Ph.D. Hypno (USA), Dr. Adriana James Ph.D. Hypno, Philippa Bond (AUS), Dr. Michael Hall Ph.D. Psych (USA), Rev. Dr. Bodenhamer Ph.D. Theo (USA), George Faddoul (AUS), Lori Flores (USA), Tim Halborn (USA), Sue Knight (UK), Kis Halborn (USA), Bogdan Bobocea (AUS) and others.
Until that time his preferred NLP therapy was Time-Line, however, he had witnessed other practitioners, and occasionally experienced challenges with the technique himself. Abreactions are strong, often disturbing emotional and even physical reactions to something re-experienced from the past as if real. Abreaction could re-traumatize rather than achieve the desired healing, particularly if there is no experienced therapist present to ‘rescue’ the patient.
Peter began to conceptualize a new therapy model, which negated the shortcomings, such as abreactions, sometimes experienced with the Time-Line method. He tested his theories with his clients. The results were even more successful than expected. He then experimented and perfected the method called Emotional Alignment Therapy, the forerunner of the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT). (www.emotionalalignmenttechnique.com) Peter has since taught his technique to other therapists, who like him, have found it overcomes all of the limitations and challenges of the Time-Line method.
- Have any famous people used hypnosis to improve their lives?
- Yes, many, Here are just a few examples. Steve Hooker of Australia won the 2008 Gold Medal in Pole Vaulting after his hypnotist helped him to visualize his success. At the age of 13, Tiger Woods began seeing a hypnotist to help him to block out distractions and focus on the golf course. Bruce Willis – had stuttering problems throughout his youth and was always scared it would affect his acting career. Fortunately, he successfully overcame it.
Does hypnotherapy really work? – YouTube
- What are subliminal affirmations?
- Subliminal (/sʌbˈlɪmɨnəl): literally means “below threshold” of conscious perception, below normal conscious recognition, yet within the range of hearing of our deep unconscious.
Peter Zapfella is launching an exciting range of 400 specific SUBLIMINAL AFFIRMATION products, for a wide range of life’s day-to-day challenges.
The downloadable MP3’s consist of positive affirmations, which are repeated every minute, and accompanied by pleasant sounds of nature and, or music. Importantly, the affirmations can clearly be heard when the foreground (masking) sounds are not there.
They can safely be used in the background while driving, at work, in the home, and while sleeping. They are suitable for children, and adults of all ages.
‘Welcome’ MP3’s are most effective when listening following one-on-one therapy with Peter Zapfella, and therefore their unconscious ‘intent’ and ‘emotional feelings’ are consistent with the SUBLIMINAL messages. The ‘prime individual responses and stimulate mild emotional activity’. However, they will not force a client to do anything they do not consciously want to do.
The secret of success is the way they are repeated over and over many, many times, at normal speed, just below the background (masking) sounds. You may be able to hear Peter Zapfella’s spoken words from time-to-time.
This wide range of MP3’s is long term maintenance, to be used following therapy – not as a substitute for it. They can be used at your convenience almost anywhere and at any time, for your ongoing, long-term success.
- Surge Effect © 2020 subliminal affirmations are copyright owned and were developed by Peter Zapfella exclusively for Internet Hypnosis. Shop. Surge Effect © is a Premium Product. This is how it works, While the main affirmation channel of positive messages is spoken by Peter Zapfella, the second stereo channel is usually voiced by;
- Children’s category products are voiced by a child and a woman.
- The Men’s category products feature a mature man only, or together with a woman in some titles
- Most product categories, including the Women’s category, are stated by a woman in the second stereo channel,
- Both Surge Effect © channels are dichotic. They effervesce, swirl and surge, like a wave. Both voiced stereo channels could be heard by the listener’s conscious mind if the foreground sounds were absent. However, presented dichotically they fascinate the mind and cause it to focus on the semantics, the emotion, and thereby cause dynamic deep unconscious change.
- For best effect listen to Surge Effect © through stereo earbuds or headphones. No audible first read. WARNING: Do not listen if driving, using machinery, or if epileptic.
- Surge Effect © is only available in Environmental ‘Mountain stream’ with Surge Effect ©, ‘Inspiration Taking Flight’ with Surge Effect ©, ‘Beautiful Latin and Pan Flute’ melodies with Surge Effect © and Alpha binaural waves (Relaxation) with Surge Effect © available separately and within discounted Bundles at www.InternetHypnosis.Shop. Rollout from mid-2021.
- Synonyms of surge; effervesce, swirl, wave, whoosh, fizz, sparkle, froth, churning, foam, deluge, flood, flow, rise, swell, upsurge, billow, efflux, gush, intensification, roll, surf, boil, churn, roil, twirl, whirl, curl, eddy, purl, roll, swoosh, whirlpool.
- Surge Effect © logo is owned by Peter Zapfella..

Q. What is the Conscious Mind?
- The conscious mind is the state of wakefulness. It is logical, analytical, and understands time and reality.
Consciousness is awareness of the moment (time), our own external world (environment), and some mental functions. In NLP we would say the conscious mind is the executive which sets the goals.
- What is the Sub-Conscious Mind?
- The subconscious mind is the state of daydreaming and deep relaxation. The boundaries to reality are somewhat blurred and confused.
The sub-conscious is adjacent to consciousness and provides accessible information, such as memories and recall. It is the ‘half-way house’ (sub) between consciousness and the deeper unconscious. Some unconscious memories are transferred through the sub-conscious to full consciousness. Some psychologists and hypnotherapists get their ‘sub-conscious’ and ‘unconscious’ minds confused.
- What is the Un-Conscious Mind?
- When Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), the Austrian father of psychoanalysis wrote about das Unbewusste (the unconscious), as all that takes place outside conscious awareness he was talking about all that is UN known to the conscious mind. The unconscious is deeper than the subconscious and is concerned with information gathering and storing for the purposes of learning, for the ultimate purpose of survival. The unconscious creates beliefs and behaviors based upon this information, for the ultimate purpose of survival. The unconscious creates sleeping dreams as part of this sorting process.
“The conscious mind determines the actions, the unconscious mind determines the reactions; and the reactions are just as important as the actions.” ~E. Stanley Jones
NLP Master Trainer, Matthew B. James, MA, Ph.D. says ‘in NLP we recognize the unconscious mind:
Preserves the body: One of its main objectives is the survival of your physical body. It will fight anything that appears to be a threat to that survival. So if you want to change a behavior more easily, show your unconscious how that behavior is hurting your body.
Runs the body: The unconscious handles all of your basic physical functions (breathing, heart rate, immune system, etc.). Huna believes that the unconscious holds the blueprint of your body as it is now and also the blueprint of your perfect health. Rather than telling the unconscious what perfect health looks like, try asking it what it knows and what you need for better health.
Is like a 7-year old child: Like a young child, the unconscious likes to serve, needs very clear directions, and takes your instructions very literally. So if you say, “This job is a pain in the neck,” your unconscious will figure out a way to make sure that your neck hurts at work! The unconscious is also very “moral” in the way a young child is moral, which means based on the morality taught and accepted by your parents or surroundings. So if you were taught that “sex is nasty,” your unconscious will still respond to that teaching even after your conscious mind has rejected it.
Communicates through emotion and symbols: To get your attention, the unconscious uses emotions. For example, if you suddenly feel afraid, your unconscious has detected (rightly or wrongly) that your survival is at risk.
Stores and organizes memories: The unconscious decides where and how your memories are stored. It may hide certain memories (such as traumas) that have strong negative emotions until you are mature enough to process them consciously. When it senses that you are ready (whether you consciously think you are or not!), it will bring them up so you can deal with them.
Does not process negatives: The unconscious absorbs pictures rather than words. So if you say, “I don’t want to procrastinate,” the unconscious generates a picture of you procrastinating. Switching that picture from the negative to the positive takes an extra step. Better to tell your unconscious, “Let’s get to work!”
Makes associations and learns quickly: To protect you, the unconscious stays alert and tries to glean the lessons from each experience. For example, if you had a bad experience in school, your unconscious may choose to lump all of your learning experiences into the “this is not going to be fun” category. It will signal you with sweaty palms and anxiety whenever you attempt something new. But if you do well in sports, your unconscious will remember that “sports equals success” and you’ll feel positive and energized whenever physical activity comes up. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/focus-forgiveness/201307/conscious-the-unconscious
- Is hypnotherapy safe?
- People who experience schizophrenia, dementia, psychotic episodes or similar psychological challenges should consult their medical professional, or contact me to discuss individual circumstances. He has successfully worked with many people who suffer from schizophrenia and bi-polar over the years.
From time-to-time, we refer to hypnosis or hypnotherapy when we really should only refer to Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Emotional Alignment Technique as therapy models. The reason is only for IT technical reasons. If you seek clarity, please ask.
- Is NLP and hypnosis safe for pregnant women?
- I have worked with many pregnant women in one-on-one therapy sessions over many years, without any negative side-effects.
- Will hypnosis change my personality and make me different?
- Therapy is designed to safely assist your own unconscious mind to make positive changes in your life. Therapy facilitates the changes you consciously choose to make in your life, so you are always in control.
- Does Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and the Emotional Alignment Technique work for everyone?
- While of course there are exceptions to every rule, the simple answer is – yes in most cases.
- Is Peter Zapfella also a doctor of medicine and a licensed psychologist?
- I am a professional psychotherapist who does not claim to be either a doctor of medicine or a licensed psychologist.
- Does it work if I fall asleep while listening?
- Your unconscious is gathering information from the outside world all the time, day and night. Therapy is designed for your unconscious mind to listen and learn. If you are awake or asleep your unconscious is able to listen and respond.
However, when we are awake our conscious mind is active, and to some extent, it distracts the unconscious mind too. When we are free from distractions a hypnotic trance can better facilitate positive change.
- How long does it take to get results?
- NLP and Emotional Alignment Therapy usually work almost immediately for most people. It is not unusual for people to feel the inner difference is how they think and feel as they walk out the door, about the addiction they had when they walk out the door. It is gone, as if it never existed. No struggle, no effort at all. Hypnotherapy usually needs repeated listening sessions over a period of time. The number of sessions required for change depends on a number of factors, including the past experiences and attitudes of the person listening, local environmental distractions, the overriding emotional state of the listener etc.
I may provide you with the opportunity to listen to Advanced Hypnotherapy MP3’s at home following your session. The more you listen the better.
NLP Power No, Power Yes, Zap Away, Zap Toward and Self Esteem Building methods are ‘doing’ processes. To be effective you will listen to the MP3’s provided and ‘do’ the processes. It takes 100 percent focus and commitment. All but the Zap Away and Zap Toward NLP Processes are performed every day for a month. The Zap Away and Zap Toward are repeated 12 times in quick succession and may be repeated on subsequent days if you want to be absolutely sure of maintaining the desired unconscious shift.
- What options are available to pay for professional fees?
- These are some of the options available;
- You can send a bank-to-bank transfer fee-free within Australia.
- Overseas transfers can be sent for a small fee with World Remit. Not Western Union.
- You can use your credit or debit card through PayPal. No PayPal account required.
- Or you can pay cash on the day. It is always your choice,
- Can I book an online Skype session with Peter Zapfella?
- “…randomized controlled studies that have been conducted to date, (show that Skype Therapy) tele-mental health has demonstrated equivalent efficacy compared to face-to-face care in a variety of clinical settings…”Richardson LK, Frueh BC, Grubaugh AL, Egede L, Elhai JD. Current Directions in Videoconferencing Tele-Mental Health Research.
- You can choose to have a professional hypnotherapy session in the privacy and comfort of your own home. Peter Zapfella is available to conduct one-on-one therapies with you, via FaceTime, Viber, Facebook Messenger, Skype Therapy – wherever you may be in the world
- .
- * Confirmed by Time-Machine.
- CYBER-BAND is a Registered Trade Mark by Peter Zapfella and Coral.A.Conrad
- TIMELINE THERAPY is a Registered Trade Mark of Tad James.
DISCLAIMER: From time-to-time, we refer to hypnosis or hypnotherapy in the FAQ’s when we really should only refer to Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Emotional Alignment Technique as therapy models. The reason is only for IT and SEO technical reasons.
Your information is protected by 256-bit SSL encryption
Cyber-Band® is the registered trademark (#1463052) of About Peter Zapfella and Coral.A.Conrad.
Cyber Sleeping® is the registered trademark (#1986082) of Peter Zapfella.
Emotional Alignment Technique TM is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella.
Welcome Subliminal Affirmations TM is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Freedom From Hypnotherapy TM is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Vanish Hypnotherapy is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Ultra NLP is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Surge Effect TM is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Peter Zapfella TM is a Trade Mark of Peter Zapfella
Trade Marks must be acknowledged and cannot be used without written permission from Peter Zapfella.
Time-Line Therapy® is the registered trademark of Tad James.