Lucid Dreaming

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Welcome Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a type of dream where the sleeping individual is aware they are dreaming while still in the dream.

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During a lucid dream, the dreamer can gain volitional control over the dream direction, characters, narrative, or environment.

Lucid dreaming is central to the ancient Indian Hindu practice of ‘Yoga nidra’ and also the Tibetan Buddhist practice of dream Yoga. Awareness of Lucid Dreams was common among early Buddhists.

Ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote: “often when one is asleep, there is something in consciousness which declares that what then presents itself is but a dream.”

Prelucid dreams, wherein the dreamer is in the beginning stages of cultivating lucid dreaming. At this early stage, the dreamer questions themselves: “Am I asleep and dreaming?” Such thoughts are liable to occur when people are deliberately inducing lucid dreams but may also occur spontaneously to those with no intention to achieve lucidity in dreams, according to Pre-lucid dreams.

The capacity to have lucid dreams is  intentional, trainable cognitive skill. Anyone can do it when they know how to do it and practice the skill.

In 1867, the French sinologist Marie-Jean-Léon, Marquis d’Hervey de Saint Denys anonymously published ‘Les Rêves et Les Moyens de Les Diriger; Observations Pratiques’ (“Dreams and the ways to direct them; practical observations”), in which he describes his own experiences of lucid dreaming and proposes that it is possible for anyone to consciously learn to lucid dream.

Developments in psychological research have pointed to this form of dreaming being utilised as a therapeutic technique.

Peter Zapfella began reading the fascinating research done by Psychologist Stephen LaBerge back in 1997. His research led to a Ph.D. He is the founder of the Lucidity Institute at Stanford University.

Welcome Your Dream Holiday

Paul Tholey laid the epistemological basis for the research of lucid dreams. He was a German Gestalt psychologist, and a professor of psychology and sports science at the University of Frankfurt and the Technical University of Braunschweig.

Tholey started the study of oneirology in an attempt to prove that dreams occur in colour. Given the unreliability of dream memories and following the critical realism approach, he used lucid dreaming as an epistemological tool for investigating dreams, in a similar fashion to Stephen LaBerge.

Tholey proposed seven different conditions of clarity that a dream must fulfill in order to be defined as a lucid dream:

  1. Awareness of the dream state (orientation).

2. Awareness of the capacity to make decisions.

3. Awareness of memory functions.

4. Awareness of self.

5. Awareness of the dream environment.

6. Awareness of the meaning of the dream.

7. Awareness of concentration and focus.

Meditation - Deep Hypnotic Trance

Deirdre Barrett is an American author and psychologist known for her research on dreams, hypnosis and imagery, and has written on evolutionary psychology. Barrett is a teacher at Harvard Medical School, and a past president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD).

In 1992, a study by Deirdre Barrett examined whether lucid dreams contained four “corollaries” of lucidity:

  1. The dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.

2. They are aware actions will not carry over after waking.

3. Physical laws need not apply in the dream.

4. The dreamer has a clear memory of the waking world.

Barrett found less than a quarter of lucidity accounts exhibited all four.

Subsequently, Stephen LaBerge studied the prevalence among lucid dreams of their ability to control the dream scenario, and found that while dream control and dream awareness are correlated, neither requires the other. LaBerge found dreams that exhibit one clearly without the capacity for the other. He also found dreams where, although the dreamer is lucid and aware they could exercise control, they choose only to observe.

Insomnia, sleep, Photo Copyright by Peter Zapfella, © 2002-22 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved,

Lucid dreaming lets people banish nightmares, experience less anxiety because the dreamer feels ‘more in control’, eliminate post-traumatic stress, improved ‘problem solving’, practicing mental and physical skills in the dream state, before trying them out in the real world. I know an inventor who develops his best ideas while lucid dreaming.  Or generally having more enjoyable ‘trips’ when asleep.

Rachel Alexander, CEO and founder of AI firm Omina Technologies in Antwerp, Belgium, said she taught herself to start having lucid dreams as a teenager with help from a psychologist.

“When I was about 16 I started having nightmares that someone would chase me and try to kill me and I would wake up in a cold sweat,” she told MailOnline.

“The psychologist explained to me how I could become lucid in my dreams and so I started doing it and it really worked.

“When someone was chasing me and trying to kill me in my dreams I would become lucid and turn the bullets into flowers, or turn on my assailant and give him or her a hug.

“I was able to turn nightmares into happy dreams and I slept better, and eventually after a few years I stopped needing this trick anymore.”

Peter Zapfella relates how as a child he was able to stop running from monsters in his dreams, turn and make them ‘disappear’. His childhood nightmares disappeared forever. The monsters had disappeared.

According to Tore Nielsen, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Montreal, being chased is a common dream scenario, but it may prime us for certain situations happening real life.

Other sources suggest being chased in a dream is related to anxiety acknowledging the cause of the anxiety.

But instead of fleeing, legendary Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung suggested we ‘should by no means resist when this element faces them’.

Mrs Alexander said that her school psychologist had been unable to identify the source of her troubling chase nightmares – although she forgot to tell her about one traumatic incident in particular.

When I was 13, I got lost in Puerta Vallarta [Mexico] and a guy pulled a gun on me,’ she told MailOnline.

“I am GenX, born in 1972 – it didn’t even occur to me that this might be considered a traumatic experience!’ she explained.

“By simulating a threatening situation, the dream of being chased provides a space for a person to practice perceiving and escaping predators in their sleep,” Professor Nielsen said.

The idea of controlling your dreams might sound like the plot of a science fiction blockbuster. But this mysterious gift is a reality for around 20 per cent of people, who are able to go on exciting trips in impossible worlds.

Lucid Dreams
Leonardo DiCaprio – Lucid Dreams

Depicted in the film ‘Inception’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio, lucid dreaming could provide a useful link between the real world and the dream world.

Lucid dreaming helps people banish nightmares or generally have more enjoyable ‘trips’ when they go to sleep.

According to classic dream analysis, flying suggests the sleeper has a desire for more freedom in their waking life, or new opportunities.

It’s estimated that 50 per cent of people have experienced a lucid dream in their lives, while 20 per cent experience one at least once a month and 1 per cent enjoy them more than once a week.

Flow and Balance, Welcome Dreams Remembered

Lucid dreaming contrasts with a normal dream, where the dreamer is only the observer, with no control over events and has no idea that they are actually dreaming.

Research also suggests lucid dreamers have a larger prefrontal cortex – the part of the brain linked to logic and reasoning – suggesting they are better at determining a scenario is false when they’re asleep.

Scientists have discovered a way to communicate with people while they’re sleeping: Lucid dreamers can answer questions and even do math’s while they’re snoozing

Researchers in the US asked lucid dreamers math’s problems, such as ‘what is eight minus six’, and yes-no questions, such as ‘do you speak Spanish?’

In the experiments, dreamers answered correctly in real time with eye movements or facial muscle signals, demonstrating what is called ‘interactive dreaming’.

Researchers tested the participants during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, when lucid dreams occur.

The experiments are promising for real-time communications when we’re asleep, which could help scientists finally fully explain the mysterious phenomenon that is dreaming.

hypnotic sleep a guided meditation

Peter Zapfella says he went to boarding school for 7 years, in that time he heard two other boys who were asleep and having a conversation. “I had heard both of them sleep talking on other occasions and said nothing to either of them. Then one night one of them started up as usual and the other answered him and so it went on. I found it really interesting. Not the content of the conversation, which was unimportant, but the fact they heard each other in their dreams and responded. I wonder if they were lucid dreaming?’

He went on to say that he often dreams of typing on a computer keyboard. He can choose to test his typing skill by choosing to type particular words. Then check if he had pressed the correct keys, as they appear on a Qwerty keyboard. He can check his dream typing for typos at will. He knows he is in a dream as he makes these decisions and go about doing the process in his dream. Is this Lucid Dreaming?

Do you want to learn how you can Lucid Dream?

‘Click’ on the image below and go to Welcome Lucid Dreaming.


How You Think About Time Affects Your Life


Welcome Better Surfing Clock

Did you know, how we think about time affects our life, from our emotions, our attitude and our beliefs and behaviors. It’s a psychological construct called time perspective.

Time min
The time perspective refers to how we divide our mental energy among the past, present and future.

It’s about how often we visit these time frames in our mind, the emotions they evoke and their importance in our decision-making process.

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Dr Philip Zimbardo, a pioneer in this field, developed the time perspective inventory, which looks at five dimensions of time perspective,

  • past negative,
  • past positive,
  • present fatalistic,
  • present hedonistic, and
  • future.
  1. Within past negative thinking, we focus on regrettable and painful past experiences. If we were to skew our memories toward past negative perspective often, we would ruminate on past regrets, disappointments and failures.
  2. This kind of thinking is not only destructive, it can keep us ‘stuck’ in past thinking. Holding grudges, or not prepared to take calculated risks for fear of failing only keeps us stuck. Plus, it’s hard for us to enjoy the present and forge ahead. We resign ourselves to being helpless, and hopeless. Throw in some sadness and this can lead to depression. Throw in some fear and trauma and we have PTSD.

As long as we stay stuck in past negative, we stay stuck in hallucinations of depression and PTSD, which for some can lead to suicide.

Trauma (PTSD)

2. With past positive thinking we reflect on the good old days with nostalgia. However, we can become stuck in those illusions and forget to live in the now. Then it’s hard for us to enjoy the present and forge ahead with our future. If the past is ever present on your mind, you are ‘stuck’ in the past.

Reminiscing with past positive perspectives tends to gloss over the past negative. It is one sided and delusional.


You can idealize your past to the extent that you get stuck in it and are unable to move forward into the present.

Remember, the past either negative or positive, is only a memory, which is not an accurate account of what actually happened.

3. With a present fatalistic perspective. Our feeling of lack of control may cause anxiety, apathy and no motivation to take charge, and go forth and make confident changes to our lives.

According to surveys around 80 per cent of people who have depression also have anxiety. In other words, we have been conditioned to expect more of the same. Instead, we can ‘shake it off’ and reprogram our thinking to plan for and expect a better present and future from the past.


4. If we are focused too much on a present hedonistic perspective, we may experience a lot of immediate gratification, and feel a sense of personal freedom, and agency. But it can also make us act impulsively and have trouble with long term planning.

We can become just subject to the whims of life, with future oriented thinking. We are focused on planning for and anticipating future events with little attention to the present.

We can think of our time perspective as a lens through which we view life. Our mental health can suffer when we over focus on one perspective over another.

With a future oriented perspective, we prioritize planning and goal setting, which is good. But an over focus on the future can rob us of the joys of the present. It’s as if we have someone standing in for us going through the motions until some magic day when we finally live in that moment. Also, the constant striving and planning can cause stress and anxiety. Having our life pass by while we didn’t feel in it can leave us feeling ‘out of our body’, and with a lot of regrets later. This can be especially true if we miss out on special relationships that we can’t get back.  Such as children growing up, or loved ones passing away before we had a chance to enjoy their company.

So, what’s the solution here?


Balance all of these time perspectives, have some value, but excessively focusing on one over the other has negative effects on our wellbeing.
The research suggests that a balanced perspective is weighted in this order.

  1. The most focus should be on past positive. So, we can celebrate our wins.
  2. Have a moderate focus on the future. We can plan more wins.
  3. Have a moderate focus on present hedonistic. So we can enjoy our present.
  4. Focus much less on the past negative. We can learn from our mistakes, but not to the point of punishing ourselves for them.
  5. The least focus on present fatalistic.

So, we can feel strong and self-sufficient.

Here are a few things that you can do to balance your time perspective, to balance a past negative focus, reflect on uplifting moments that you may have had, and just taken for granted when past missteps come to mind.

Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Failure min,
Mistakes are a learning opportunity.

Allow these positive memories to serve as a counterbalance. Understand that each mistake offers an opportunity to learn instead of being trapped by past regrets, extract lessons from those experiences, embrace both the highs and the lows of your past.

Welcome Learning Ham Radio Theory and exams,

Focusing on personal growth over remorse to balance a past positive focus ground yourself in the present. While also setting sights on the future, create actionable goals and anticipate what you have to look forward to, to stay connected to the present practice, mindfulness by immersing yourself in your current experiences, using all of your senses to balance a present hedonistic focus. Spend some time thinking about positive past memories and future goals.


Monitor any overindulgent behaviors that you’ve engaged in or want to engage in by imagining the law long term impact of that behavior actually picture in your mind what things would be like if you experience the negative consequences to balance a present, fatalistic focus, set some well-defined achievable goals for yourself.


Practice gratitude for past, and present wins. If you feel overwhelmed by life’s unpredictability, focus on the things that you can control like your decisions, reactions and attitudes, then treat yourself to things you enjoy in the moment.

And lastly to balance a future oriented focus, learn to savor the moment by practicing mindfulness and gratitude. You want to find joy in what’s going on right now. Instead of holding back, waiting for something in the future, staying connected to others through conversation also helps keep our perspectives in check because we can see how our beliefs and actions aligned with other people’s views.

Keeping your perspective balanced goes a long way toward promoting mental wellness.

Peter Zapfella 2024.

Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy

Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy.  


If life is not ‘delivering the goods’ for you, then you need to change the way you think and feel. You can change your reality by changing your deepest beliefs. Not all of them. Just the beliefs that are not working for you right now. You discover you think and feel different, in a good way. hypno hop rap

I had never considered myself a fan of Rap Music, until I started using it as a vehicle for sharing positive life changing messages or affirmations.

Welcome Freedom From Pain, Welcome Integrity, Free From Fear of Dental Surgery, welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop. Unconscious mind learnings, Dynamic Action, Welcome Life Free From Fear of Dentists. Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Failure, Welcome Life Free Of Fear Of Snakes, - www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Hipno Hop Rap is about changing the emotions and self-talk, so (with repetition) it can change deep beliefs and behaviors.

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As a boy world famous singer Ed Sheeran listened to ‘Eminem’ Rap until he knew every word. It spoke creativity, self-expression and authenticity to him. It gave him a voice. He said that cured’ his chronic stutter.

Ed Sheeran and ‘Eminem’ Rap

The rhythmic and rhyming syllables, words and phrases chanted to a beat which is Rap, and wider Hip Hop culture (including clothing fashion, deejaying using sliding and scratching turntable manipulation, a repertoire of acrobatic and occasionally airborne moves which is hip hop dancing moves (freestyle, krumping, popping, locking, up rock, boogaloo, reggae, and breakdancing (shuffles, spins, jerks) and graffiti art) are now a recognized link between psychotherapists and troubled youth everywhere.(Just to clear any confusion, Rap is the music genre (an acronym for rhythm and poetry). Hip Hop is the culture, and Hipno Hop Rap is where you are at)  hy pno hop rap

Rappers from ‘Eminem’ to ‘Ice Cube’ have echoed the idea of Rap as a replacement for traditional therapy, for troubled youth anyway. Their songs reference anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicide, relationships, police brutality, and environmental change. Rappers openly express what it is like to live with mental or emotional issues. They talk about it and normalise it, which is good because youth, particularly young males are inclined to ‘push down’ and internalise their emotional issues.

Acknowledging it, exposing the truth and talking about it is the first step toward recovery. But that is usually about as far as it goes. Just the first step.

However, the ‘Papageno effect’ of Rap (the theory that positive media publicity of celebrities and other people overcoming suicidal crises can protect against suicidal ideation and/or attempts by an individual) may have a positive effect on depressed people who could be in crises and considering self harm and even suicide

Hipno Hop Rap for Therapy, Puss in Boots

Peter Zapfella has taken Rap to the next level and made it the therapy. Peter say’s the fundamental difference between Rap and subliminal affirmations and hypnosis is that Rap is recited repeatedly, until the listener knows every word. It is Rapped in the first person therefore it is saying ‘I’, ‘Me’ and ‘My’. The Rapper and listener owns the statement with ‘attitude’.

Meanwhile subliminal affirmations and hypnosis are spoken to the listener saying ‘you’, ‘your’ and ‘you are’. They are suggestions given to the deep unconscious mind of the listener as a guide and reassuring gift. hypno hop rap


‘Click’ > to hear a Hipno Hop sample

Internet Hypnosis dot Shop is the first and only hypnosis or subliminal affirmation download web site to feature rhythmic and rhyming chanted lyrics (based on almost 500 Internet Hypnosis dot Shop affirmations) presented in a Hipno Hop Rap format. 

This is a massive undertaking, eventually totaling almost 500 Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy songs specifically created for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. This reflects the confidence in this formats effectiveness to cause positive change.

Subjects cover almost every conceivable life challenge that may confront young people today. They include overcoming various phobias, anxiety and depression, through to relationships and sexual challenges.

The words have been condensed down into a few powerful rhyming rhythmic lines usually in two or three verses.

With repetition it is learned in the same way as we learn any song, by listening over and over. The beat and melody make it easier to remember the inspiring and life changing messages.

By listening over and over and learning the words (the text of every Rap is available on the relevant product page) the deep unconscious mind of the listener is ‘imprinted’ with new positive messages. Over time these ‘overwrite’ past negative messages. These create new self-empowering beliefs and behaviors.

Therapies range from overcoming nail biting, through better surfing and peak athletic performance to overcoming premature ejaculation and vaping   E cigarettes. and many many more. hypno hop rap

This is a sample of Hipno Hop Rap written by Peter Zapfella for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.

Click’ > above to listen to Hipno Hop Rap. Internet Hypnosis dot Shop


“Yo, check it, feel the vibe, let it flow,

This is Hipno Hop Rap, come on, let’s go.

[Verse 1]

Rhythmic Hipno Hop Rap, it’s hypnosis,

Mind control is the prognosis.

Listen to my words and the sound of my voice,

As you chill and learn, you have no choice.

In a world full of noise, let the silence unfold,

Let my rhymes guide you, into the bold.

Positivity flows like a river so wide,

With every word I spit, your worries subside.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.

[Verse 2]

Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,

It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.

Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,

Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.

Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,

It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.

Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,

With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.

[Verse 3]

Every day I vibe, chant Hipno Hop all night,

It’s not just a beat, it’s a powerful light.

Manifesting dreams, bigger than the sky,

Similes and metaphors, making hard times fly.

Life’s canvas painted with the colours of my flow,

It’s like a magic spell, let the good energy grow.

Rhythms resonate, deep inside my soul,

With each bar I drop, I feel completely whole.


I listen to the words, they have changed my life,

Like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Nega-tiv-ity gone, posi-tiv-ity on,

I have the power, shining bright till it’s dawn.

Reaching higher and higher to the light every hour,

With Hipno Hop Rap, I got the mental power.


Only Internet Hypnosis dot Shop, elevates my brain,

Learning Hipno Hop Rap, it’s a whole new game.

With repeated focus, it all becomes clear,

Sharing Hipno Hop secrets with friends, I got no fear.

It’s a revolution, a lyrical sensation,

Hypnotic flows bringing forth transformation.


So feel the rhythm, let it take control,

Hipno Hop Rap is the key to your soul.

With every word I spit, you know you can win,

Join the movement, let the journey begin.”

There is a segment of the younger population who may not understand or trust ‘therapy’, and ‘hypnosis’. But they do understand Rap.

Hipno Hop Rap speaks to their ‘street culture’ across different genders, ages, languages, nationalities, races and religions.

Think and feel what you want most of all in your future as if you have it right now.© Copyright 2020 Peter Zapfella.

There was an old man telling a boy about a fight between a wolf and a dog. “Which one do you think won the fight?” he asked the boy. “I don’t know” replied the boy. 

“The one YOU feed*” said the old man.

* with constant thoughts and words driving depression, anxiety and fears, self-limiting beliefs, and behaviors leading to phobias and bad habits. Or alternatively constant positive, self-empowering thoughts, feelings and words (such as Hypno Hop Rap only at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop) which help to defeat anxiety, depression, fears (phobias), self-limiting belief’s, behaviors and bad habits.

In time, these therapeutic Hipno Hop Raps become new deep unconscious beliefs leading to new positive behaviors and emotions. They are hypnotically powerful. Just ask Ed Sheeran. hypno hop rap

welcome subliminal affirmations. Internet hypnosis. shop

Almost 250 English language Hipno Hop Raps are in production now. The repertoire is expanding to include Indian Hindi, Spanish, Indonesian, Portuguese, French, Arabic, and Chinese Mandarin. That is around 2,000 individual Hipno Hop Rap tracks – amazing!

This is incredible! Can you imagine not just 250 English language tracks but as many as 2000 therapeutic Rap tracks across the most popular Internet languages available on the one web site? hypno hop rap

Every English language Hipno Hop Rap has a corresponding Prime Hypnosis and Welcome subliminal affirmation and can be combined for even more effective change. Other languages to follow.

This will build into an amazing Hipno Hop Rap as Therapy resource for individuals, parents, teachers, coaches, professional counsellors, psychotherapists and psychologists everywhere. rap


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Click Here to hear Childrens Podcast

© Copyright 2025 by Peter Zapfella and www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

NLP Anchor

NLP Anchoring Techniques
What are NLP Anchors?

The purpose of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is to be very practical and useful in enhancing the quality of life. It represents an attitude and a way of being. As such NLP has a trail of effective techniques and processes that can facilitate the expression of your own internal resources to move you on a journey from a present state; that is the sum total of all your neurological and physical processes at this moment in time, across to the desired state, with appropriate new behaviors, thoughts and feelings.

Present State ð your Internal Resources ð Desired State

old behavior’s      skills                                           new behavior’s

old thoughts         techniques                             new thoughts

old feelings            resources                               new feelings

Based upon groundbreaking research by Russian scientist, Doctor Ivan Pavlov back in 1903, and subsequent experiments by others, NLP developed the simple concept of Anchor techniques.

An anchor is simply a connection between a stimulus and a certain emotional response.

Common naturally occurring anchors include the auditory stimulus of a favorite song or the olfactory stimulus of a familiar smell, which elicits a feeling memory or physiological state. The visual stimulus of a green traffic light elicits the triggering of specific foot movements in a driver. They are conditioned responses.

In NLP we create anchors, or conditioned responses as behavioral resources, which can be triggered upon demand or automatically (with regular practice).

If a person recalls memories of an intense emotional state, and at the peak of that memory experience they apply a specific physical trigger, such as a physical feeling or a unique piece of music, then all the events become connected neurologically. With repetition, the unconscious learns the new physical trigger and the specific physical feeling or music together automatically cause the new emotional state.

At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we combine the auditory stimulus of specific music, which is exclusive to this feeling memory or physiological state, plus the imagined visual stimulus of your unconscious memory, and specific subliminal suggestions.

For example: Subject ‘SUCCESS’;

You hear unlimited SUCCESS (unique sound)
You smell unlimited SUCCESS (unique smell)
You taste unlimited SUCCESS (unique taste)
You feel unlimited SUCCESS (unique feeling)
You breathe unlimited SUCCESS (deep breathing in)
You think unlimited SUCCESS
You do unlimited SUCCESS
You are unlimited SUCCESS
You be unlimited SUCCESS
Everything is unlimited SUCCESS
Live unlimited SUCCESS

Using this simple effective technique at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop you can anchor specific physical and exclusive music triggers to specific desired positive emotional states.

Therefore, you can move from old unwanted emotional states across to desired positive emotional states – on demand. That would be a good thing, would it not?

We perceive the world through our main five senses (humans have about 20 senses), and think about it also in terms of visual images, sounds, words or music, feelings (sensations and emotions) smells and tastes, and an important subcategory of sound called internal dialogue. Within these representational systems are the qualities, or sub modalities, of these representations.

Working with other sub modalities can also be helpful: clients can be asked to represent good health to themselves in a number of ways – a clearly focused, life-sized, realistic colour, three-dimensional moving picture, complete with movement and sound, of what they would be like in a state of well-being, projected into wherever they see the future, can help shape their entire system into a movement towards that way of being.

(references 1. Pert Candace B. Molecules of Emotion, Why You Feel the Way You Feel. Pocket Books. Simon & Schuster. London. ISBN 0-671-03397-2. 1997. Psychoneuroimmunology and NLP by Nancy Blake. Positive Health Publications)

Just use your imagination, your memories, and have fun with it.

“Change your thoughts and you change your world’

william-shakepeare. Welcome The Authentic Self min
William Shakespeare

People sometimes ask me:

“Does anchoring work?” The answer is: “We have been creating anchors to emotional states all our lives. Maybe we did not realize it?”

Actually animals do exactly the same thing – it is a natural learning process for your unconscious.

“How long does an anchor last?’ The answer is: “It really depends how strong the emotional memory you use, and the number of repetitions. NLP Anchors can be effective from a few days to a few months, maybe even longer. Naturally occurring anchors can last a life time.”

“Can I repeat this NLP anchoring technique?” The answer is: “Absolutely. Anchoring works better with repetition. The more you listen and do it, the better the results. So do often, make it automatic and it can last indefinitely.”

The five keys to a successful NLP anchor are:

1. The intensity of the experience.
2. The timing of the anchor.
3. The uniqueness of the anchor.
4. The replication of the stimulus.
5. The number of times.

A helpful Mnemonic device I T U R N

Peter Zapfella. Photo Copyright by Peter Zapfella, © 2002-22 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved,
Peter Zapfella

Master Hypnotist (hypnotherapist) and master Practitioner and Trainer of NLP, Peter Zapfella, has professionally written and recorded MP3 downloads using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and subliminal techniques for Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. ‘Unlimited Anchors’ will be included in the ‘ULTRA’ range of NLP downloads as part of the ‘Complete Packages’ at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.

‘UNLIMITED NLP ANCHORS’. This technique requires the listener to stop everything, relax, listen and focus (‘do’ in the mind). Do not drive or use machinery at the same time. Most people will get short term benefits from this technique after listening just a few times. The more it is used the better the long term results.

Created and © Copyright 2017-23 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved. Relevant back links invited.

Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?

Counselling,, Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?

Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference? Understandably, people are confused by these terms and their meaning. For example, a psychologist may be a psychotherapist, but a psychotherapist may not be a psychologist. Neither are psychiatrists.

Counsellors are not Performance Coaches, yet Performance Coaches may also be Counsellors. Counsellors are not psychotherapists, yet psychotherapists and psychologists may use counselling techniques. Counselling-coaching-and-psychotherapy.Podcast. Counselling, Coaching, PschotherapClick Here to Listen button, www.InternetHypnosis.Shop

Peter Zapfella is not a psychologist or psychiatrist. However, Peter is a counsellor, a performance coach and a psychotherapist.

The CORE VALUES of Counselling, Performance Coaching and Psychotherapy are the same. They are;

  • RESPECT for your and our dignity and rights (including privacy and confidentiality).
  • INTEGRITY of your and our communication and service.
  • COLABORATION and CO OPERATION for the best outcomes of all concerned.
  • PROFESSIONAL knowledge, ongoing study and trainings.
  • ALLEVIATING your distress and suffering.
  • QUALTY enhancement of relationships between ourselves and others.
  • APPRECIATION of cultural and human diversity and life experiences.
  • FAIRNESS and ADEQUACY of service.

Define Counselling

Counselling is a process where an individual, couple or family meet with a professional counsellor to talk about issues and challenges they face in their lives.

Trained counsellors work with their clients on strategies to assist them to overcome day to day obstacles and personal challenges that they are facing.

A professional counsellor is registered and trained to provide a genuine, caring and empathic response in a safe and confidential collaboration. Clients are active participants in the process. They learn strategies and techniques. They usually have on going sessions to promote mental health and wellbeing, enhance self-understanding, and resolve concerns.

A trained counsellor has tools and techniques. They can use these tools to support and help you to move through the difficult and challenging, feelings, thoughts and behaviors, or situations that you may be experiencing. The counsellor can provide these tools and techniques as homework for the client to take away and practice and use in their daily life.

Counselling methods may include;

  • PSYCHODYNAMICS. Long term (such as childhood past traumas) causing current life dysfunctions. (Perhaps presenting as anger issues for example).
  • STRENGTHS PERSPECTIVES. Goal setting. Enabling better self-management and expectations.
  • FAMILY THERAPY. Cooperative family and group support sessions. Peter does not currently offer this.


  • Emotional. This is an area Peter has many years’ experiences.
  • Cognitive/Thinking. Including CBT.
  • Behaviors.
  • Gestalt.
  • Combinations of the above.

The ultimate goal is for the client to make life changing decisions for themselves on the best course of action ahead, with the support of their counsellor.

Ultimately it is the client themselves who will make the decisions and take action. Counselling-coaching-and-psychotherapy.

performance coaching - success,Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?
Performance Coaching – for Success

Define Performance Coaching

Performance Coaching is a development approach based on the use of one-to-one conversations to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge or work performance.

We can blame our parents, our education, our government, or the economy, however, in truth the results we get in life are a direct reflection of our own unconscious beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and values.

Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Neuro-Semantics, the Emotional Alignment Technique and advanced hypnotherapy methods Peter Zapfella can guide you to:

  • re-align and delete negative emotions.
  • lower stress levels.
  • delete self-limiting beliefs and inner conflict.
  • delete habits of behavior that block your path forward.
  • using strategies for success.
  • stimulate new behaviors.
  • advanced personal change techniques.
  • re-align individual and group values.
  • move forward with better focus and clarity.
  • Counselling-coaching-and-psychotherapy.

Define Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a talk therapy. It is an effective method to assist people deal with and overcome a variety of mental health issues and emotional difficulties. Psychotherapy can eliminate symptoms so a person can function better increasing well-being.

Peter Zapfella preferers to use hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming (NLP), timeline therapy ® and the emotional alignment technique TM. He also uses recorded hypnotherapy and subliminal affirmations as part of his toolbox of effective techniques. Counselling-coaching-and-psychotherapy.

Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?

Define Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a popular method for experiencing trance, but it is not the only approach. Researcher Dennis R Wier has been experimenting with trance for more than 35 years. In his book, Trance: from Magic to Technology, he defined trance as “a state of mind being caused by cognitive loops were a cognitive object (thoughts, images, sounds, intentional actions) repeats long enough to result in various sets of disabled cognitive functions.”“at least some cognitive functions such as volition are disabled as is seen in what is typically termed a ‘hypnotic trance’.

Meditation, addictions, captivation, and frenzy are all trance states. We also see trance states induced from indigenous and religious people’s rhythmic percussion, drumming, chants, and dance.

People also experience trance through television, advertising, trauma, panic attacks, psychosis, euphoria, and some psychedelic drugs such as LSD, peyote, and psilocybin. Counselling-coaching-and-psychotherapy.

People can achieve trance states while dancing, in athletic pursuits and facing real or imagined threats to their survival. Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.


Hypnosis is not something a hypnotist does to someone, rather the hypnotist expertly guides or facilitates a person to create their own trance state, therefore “All hypnosis is self hypnosis” Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.

People are usually guided into trance by a hypnotist, who may be a Sharman, mystic, priest, or yogi. With practice, individuals can choose to achieve trance themselves through some forms of meditation, self-hypnosis, and prayer. Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.

When people think of hypnotic trance they think of sleep. I have had several clients over the years who have said “That did not work. I was not hypnotized, because I was not asleep.” They think hypnotic trance is sleep. The fact is trance can be very active too.

Hypnotherapy is a system of psychotherapy using hypnotism for therapeutic intent. Fundamental changes can occur at the deep unconscious level of mind during trace, often to ‘rewrite’ past mistakes and out of date concepts. Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.

Define Neurolinguistic Programming, including Time Line Therapy, Emotional Alignment Technique etc

Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP explores the relationships between how we think (neuro), how we communicate (linguistic) and our patterns of behavior and emotion (programs).

NLP is an incredibly powerful collection of techniques that can quickly change emotions, beliefs, and behavior’s at the deep unconscious level of mind. Thereby people can think, communicate, and manage themselves, and others, more effectively than ever before. One of the things about NLP that amazes hypnotherapists and psychologists is that it usually does not need a traditional hypnotic trance to effectively create fundamental change at the deep unconscious. Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.

That is why NLP is one of the most powerful skills used today in advertising, sales, business management, and sports coaching and all forms of personal development.

The logical conscious mind is the goal setter, while your deep unconscious mind is the goal-getter.

If things are not working out in your life, chances are your conscious and deep unconscious are incongruent. NLP removes the unconscious ‘blocks’ so it can align with the conscious mind. Counselling, coaching and psychotherapy.

NLP was created in the 1970s by a psychologist, Richard Bandler, and an assistant professor of Linguistics, John Grinder. Since then, many have contributed to building of the field. Initially, NLP was focused upon health and self-development, perhaps because Bandler and Grinder studied people such as Dr Milton Erickson. Today NLP encompasses education, business, sports, and improved inter-personal communication. It is now used to advance better communication and influence from the pulpit, presentations, advertising, and more.

Time Line Therapy® was developed by the late Tad James. Time Line Therapy® involves treatment at an unconscious level and allows a client to surrender negative emotions linked to past experiences and transform internal programming.

Time Line Therapy® is an NLP therapeutic technique assisting individuals understand how past events have influenced them in the now, and how past events may continue to influence their future. Clients can change the way they feel and think about those toxic past events and therefore improve their mental health and wellbeing.

Between 1995 and 2002 Time Line Therapy® was Peters preferred NLP therapeutic technique. However he had witnessed other practitioners struggle, and occasionally experienced challenges with the technique himself.

Abreactions are strong, often disturbing emotional and even physical reactions to something re-experienced from the past as if real. While some therapy approaches value abreactions as part of the healing process, having witnessed it several times Peter has never subscribed to this concept. Abreactions could re-traumatize rather than achieve the desired healing, particularly if there is no experienced therapist present to ‘rescue’ the patient.

In 2002 Peter began to conceptualize a new therapy model, which negated the shortcomings, such as abreactions, sometimes experienced with the Time-Line method. He tested his theories with his clients. The results were even more successful than expected. He then experimented and perfected the method called Emotional Alignment Therapy, the forerunner of the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT).

Since 2002 Peter has used the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT) with many thousands of clients without one experiencing abreactions. Peter has since taught his technique to other therapists, who like him, have found it overcomes all the limitations and challenges of the Time-Line method, while at the same time proving incredibly effective.

Recently published research (2020) by research psychologists has confirmed how and why the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT) works so effectively.

The Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT) quickly re-aligns conflicts between the logical and analytical conscious mind and the deep unconscious level of mind, which controls people’s lives through health, addiction, depression, anxiety, trauma, negative emotions and self-limiting beliefs. Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy.

Peter believes these toxic experiences are negative trance states at the deep unconscious level of mind. The Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT) overwrites these with new self-empowering beliefs and behavior’s.

After having studied and qualified as a Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, Peter went to the US to study Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Time Line Therapy ®, with the late Master Trainer Dr. Everett James Ph.D. Hypno (USA), and Master Trainers Julie Silverthorn Psych (USA), John Overduff Psych (USA), Dr. Susan Chu MD. (HK), Ardith James (USA) Dr. Dennis Sartain Ph.D. Psych (UK), and others. Peter Zapfella became a psychotherapist in private practice in 1995.

Reif Spano 'Eyes That Polarize' Hypnotist, Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?
Reif Spano ‘Eyes That Polarize’ Hypnotist

In 1997 he began working with legendary American Stage Hypnotist Reif Spano. Peter subsequently developed his own Comedy Hypnosis Show and in 2000 he accepted the opportunity to live and work in Sydney during the Sydney Olympic Games. He performed many corporate Comedy Hypnosis Shows including Hyde Park, Sydney before thousands of people, and at Luna Park, Sydney.

Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy. What is the difference?, luna park sydney

Peters on stage hypnosis experiences taught him far more than any training course or therapeutic experiences could do. Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy.

At that time Sydney was the centre of NLP trainings in Australia, so Peter was able to repeat his original trainings and attend further trainings with Master Trainers Dr. Everett James Ph.D. Hypno (USA), Dr. Adriana James Ph.D. Hypno, Philippa Bond (AUS), Dr. Michael Hall Ph.D. Psych (USA), Rev. Dr. Bodenhamer Ph.D. Theo (USA), George Faddoul (AUS), Lori Flores (USA), Tim Halborn (USA), Sue Knight (UK), Kis Halborn (USA), Bogdan Bobocea (AUS) and others. Counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy.

Peter was ‘snapped up’ by the two largest NLP and hypnotherapy event training organisations in Australia to assist overseas trainers present in Sydney.

These opportunities gave Peter an incredible opportunity to learn from the leading innovators in their fields of psychotherapy. It was a key to his understanding which enabled him to create the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT).

Subliminal Foreground Varia, internet hypnosis.sjjop, nts

Subliminal Affirmations

Subliminal (/sʌbˈlɪmɨnəl) literally means “below threshold” of conscious perception, below normal conscious recognition, yet within the range of hearing of our deep unconscious. Peter Zapfella’s ‘Welcome’ subliminal messages are like a caring parent or good friend who is inspiring you to develop new behaviors, habits, and beliefs that you already know you need for a happier life. They motivate you to change for the better. They focus your unconscious mind and encourage it to make positive changes as it hears the positive messages repeated over and over again. They can usually be used in the background while driving at work, in the home, and while sleeping, for extended periods of time. For best results listen to the subliminal messages on ‘repeat’ or ‘loop’ for hours at a time. You can listen all night, while you sleep. counselling, Coaching and Psychotherapy.

As part of his continuing professional development Peter is currently a candidate for the Diploma of Counseling. It is a Government & Australian Skills & Quality Authority (ASQA) & Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) accredited. Leading to membership of the Australian Counselling Association and Private Health Insurance Provider.‘

Created and © Copyright 2002-22 Peter Zapfella. All Rights Reserved.