Benefits of combining Advanced Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and Subliminal Affirmations by Peter Zapfella for Internet Hypnosis.Shop
Peter Zapfella is the first therapist to create MP3 packages with the benefits of combining advanced hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), and subliminal affirmations, and Prime Hypnosis incorporating these affirmations.
Hipno Hop Rap is also being added to the MP3 Packages along with Vanish Hypnotherapy.
“Today is the future you created yesterday, and tomorrow you create in your thoughts today. So be inspired by what your unconscious mind thinks … today.”

There are different approaches to ‘hypnotherapy’. The common hypnosis method used by many online download web sites are a ‘no frills’ approach. They start with a trance induction. Following the hypnotic trance induction positive suggestions are added. This approach is popular with web sites because it is safe, and because they are also ‘abreactive free’.
Abreactions’ may cause a patient or client to ‘fall into’ a past emotional event as if it is real, and become ‘stuck in’ a traumatic event. For this reason, they usually require a suitably trained, and experienced therapist on site. This usually makes age regression therapy unsuitable for MP3 downloads.
That is one important reason why no one to date has dared to use pre recorded and downloadable Time Line® MP3 Therapies.
Patients or clients may become hysterical, cry, become angry or panic. Some therapists are scared of abreactions and refuse to engage in age regression. Others think abreactions are a great way to help neutralize past negative experiences and emotions. Personally, I think there are better, more efficient, less traumatic ways to achieve emotional healing.
‘Prime hypnosis’ fits in this category. It utilizes an advanced hypnosis induction and exactly the same affirmations as found on the corresponding ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations. You can clearly hear the affirmations following the hypnotic trance induction. Each MP3 also includes soothing background music and Theta Binaural Waves to promote deep relaxation.
Classic ‘Prime’ Hypnosis MP3s are the basic or primary hypnosis products at Internet Hypnosis. Shop. They have been designed to meet the same level of typical hypnosis MP3 download products, generally available online. They are reasonably priced with discounts under $5 each.
During 2024 Internet Hypnosis dot Shop will introduce almost 500 Classic ‘Prime’ hypnosis and later almost 500 ‘Vanish’ hypnotherapy titles aligned to every subliminal affirmation title. They feature integrated binaural waves and subliminal affirmations.
PRIME HYPNOSIS MP3’s incorporating these affirmations, following a Classic hypnotic induction with professional hypnotherapists Peter Zapfella and Coral Conrad will be added to the line-up during 2024. They are delivered following an advanced hypnotic induction. They are abreaction free. Internet Hypnosis. Shop is the only web site with hypnosis MP3 downloads in English English language video , Chinese Mandarin 中文普通话视频. and Spanish Video en español. Indian Hindi and Indonesian to be added later.
No other web site offers multiple language hypnosis MP3 downloads.
Peter Zapfella has been rated one of the best 6 Hypnotherapists at Best in Perth.
‘Click >’ to listen.
Some people need a different, stronger approach to overcome their personal challenges. That is the Classic ‘Vanish’ Hypnotherapies at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop. Classic ‘Vanish; hypnotherapy is a real or genuine hypnotherapy (designed to ‘cure’ the problem at its source – not just the symptoms). ‘Vanish’ starts with a deep trance induction and then enters a certain place deep within the mind where there is much confusion and chaos. The Classic ‘Vanish’ hypnotherapy bring order and efficiency to that place and helps to resolve the past. Importantly, this method is free from abreactions, and therefore it is suitable for MP3 downloads. I am not aware of any other hypnosis MP3 downloads available on the Internet at this high standard.

The Classic ‘Vanish’ Hypnotherapy trance induction is influenced to some extent by Les Cunningham, the late Australian sports psychologist and hypnotherapist.
Peter Zapfella has combined it with binaural waves and subliminal affirmations.
“Thank you Peter, very much for your kind and generous help. God knows your so very helpful to other people, and especially our family.”
Jenita Cabillas. Mandaue, Cebu. Philippines.
The third hypnotherapy approach is ‘top shelf’ in downloadable MP3’s. Like Classic ‘Vanish’ it is actual hypnotherapy. Not just hypnosis as in ‘Prime Hypnosis’.. This method has been employed in the Premium ‘Freedom From’ Hypnotherapy MP3’s exclusive to Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.
It also involves a deep trance induction, (using BOTH Ericksonian and Elman techniques, plus a dash of Estabrooks). Another important influence is the late Dr Ormond McGill. When Peter Zapfella asked the Executive Director of the American Institute of Hypnosis to review this script, the response was “WOW! This will put anyone into deep trance.”
“Thank you so much for the audio. What a wonderful way to relax. It’s almost like being in a dream and you are so wonderfully relaxed afterward. I have listened to it every day.” Kind regards, Nikki Anderson. USA.
The Premium ‘Freedom From’ Hypnosis induction is then followed by age regression to the original emotional event. At that point it is neutralized using the Emotional Alignment Technique (EAT).
Both the Classic “Vanish” and Premium “Freedom From” hypnotic inductions and therapeutic techniques are superior to any other currently available anywhere on the Internet.
The Emotional Alignment Technique TM (EAT) is abreaction free. Peter Zapfella used to use the Time Line Therapy ® technique as his preferred age regression and progression model (for almost 10 years) until he developed the Emotional Alignment Technique TM (EAT). After 20 years and many thousands of treatments, no one has ever experienced an abreaction with the Emotional Alignment Technique TM (EAT). The second reason Peter dumped the Time Line Therapy ® technique was, it was ineffective for some individuals, while the Emotional Alignment Technique TM (EAT) has always worked for many thousands of people – abreaction free! Benefits of combining Advanced Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Program

Peter developed the Emotional Alignment Technique TM (EAT) after witnessing several clients of other therapists abreact. Peter has combined the Emotional Alignment Technique TM with the same hypnotic induction he has used within his Comedy Hypnosis Show (since 1999), the Surge Effect TM plus Isotonic tones, and subliminal affirmations, to create Premium ‘Freedom From Hypnotherapy’ and Premium Complete Packs.Peter Zapfella is the only therapist to create download MP3 packages with the benefits of combining advanced hypnotherapy, neuro linguistics & subliminal-affirmations, and in the Premium ‘Freedom From Hypnotherapy’ – the Emotional Alignment Technique.
This will make Internet Hypnosis. Shop the largest hypnosis MP3 download web site anywhere.
“I worked for Peter 10 years ago and followed up on clients. I spoke with 100’s who told me they were completely satisfied and had never looked back.’”
‘Click >’ to listen.
Leisa Stenton, Perth, Western Australia.
At Internet Hypnosis dot Shop we have almost 500 downloadable Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmation products, which are available either separately or in discounted Bundles (up to 50% off). Up to 11000 MP3’s with variant environmental and music foregrounds and 8 different languages are in production through 2024 and into 2025.
This makes Internet Hypnosis. Shop the largest subliminal affirmation MP3 downloadable web site anywhere on the internet.
Advantages of Welcome subliminal affirmations video in English (Click here) 中文普通话视频(点击这里). Video en español (Haga clic aquí), Vídeo português. (clique aqui) Video Indonesia.(Klik di sini) भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो (यहाँ क्लिक करें) متجر المنومات العربية فيديو عربي (انقر هنا)
Hypnosis & affirmation linguistic errors English video ‘Click here’ 中文普通话视频.Video en español, Vídeo português. Video Indonesia. भारतीय हिंदी वीडियो. अरबी वीडियो. فيديو خطأ باللغة العربية/
These will be added to ‘Complete Packs’ (for every subject we cover in Categories) together with Classic ‘Welcome’ subliminal affirmations, ‘Ultra’ Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) DIY MP3’s and Hipno Hop Rap MP3’s.
“Interested in some hypnosis? Peter Zapfella is one of the most successful hypnotists in Australia.”
George Akary. Master Hypnotherapist. Woolongong. New South Wales.
“I am still getting SO much out of the first recording I haven’t started the others. Mostly the improvement is in my happiness, and motivation to care for my life. I have more energy and am interested to improve things around me whereas I was feeling defeated, that life was basically over, and very apathetic and tired both mentally and physically. You have the BEST voice to listen to and I am still journeying through inner mores during the recording because of your voice and the different places it still takes me to. I wish everyone in the world had a personal Peter recording, I really do.”
Best wishes, Beth McLelland. Dianella, Perth, Western Australia
“As your conscious…. listens, your unconscious… learns. Your unconscious creates new neurological connections…. and opens its self to new positive beliefs. These are new possibilities of behavior and new positive experiences of reality.” Peter Zapfella
When completed, there will be more than 11000 subliminal affirmation MP3’s available at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop, The largest collection, by far of subliminal affirmation MP3’s, available anywhere on the Internet.
Internet Hypnosis dot Shop – more choice at value prices!

Sigmund Freud originally used hypnosis to assist his patients to recall and relive traumatic experiences from their past which had been repressed by the unconscious for protection. Freud then abandoned this therapy approach, perhaps because it was so challenging for him as a therapist. Or, it could have been related to his uncomfortable false teeth that made it difficult and uncomfortable for him to speak? (Sigmund Freud was a heavy smoker) Freud decided to let his patients do all the talking while he listened.

Psychoanalyst Carl Jung expressed interest in abreactions as a possible way to purge trauma, but later decided it had serious limitations. Science fiction writer and founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard had observed abreactive therapy in a Navy hospital. He wrote about it in his book ‘Dianetics’, claiming it as his own invention. Truth is, it had fallen out of favor as a therapy technique long before he picked it up.

“I’ve definitely noticed some real changes in just one week. I’m so grateful. (I have) told a few of my friends.”
Tania Byrnes. Australian Business Breakthroughs.
Peter Zapfella has been rated one of the best 6 Hypnotherapists at Best in Perth.
‘Complete Packs’ are discounted collections under one title with the benefits combined hypnotherapy, neuro linguistic programming, subliminal affirmations. English, Chinese Mandarin and Spanish speaking people will soon be able to simply download and conveniently listen in the privacy and safety of their own homes, as they treat anxieties, depression, self-limiting beliefs, negative emotions, fears and traumas – at a fraction of what it would cost to visit a therapist – at Internet Hypnosis dot Shop.
Benefits of combining Advanced Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguisgramming (NLP), and Subliminal Affirmations
‘Classic’ is defined as, ‘judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and most outstanding of its kind’.
‘Premium’ is defined as “a product having a superior design, coming from a trusted brand and doing something no other (similar) product provides.”
The word ‘Prime’ is defined as ‘excellent quality’. The synonyms (in nonsensical sentences) include; top-quality and highest quality and top or top-tier and best or first-class or first-rate and high-grade and grade A or superior or supreme and flawless and choice or select or finest and superlative plus peak or optimal and model or excellent plus marvellous also magnificent and superb or fine and wonderful plus exceptional or formidable of course top of the range and top of the line
Most ‘Welcome’ titles incorporate optional Alpha ‘Anti-Anxiety ‘binaural waves MP3’s, designed to help you feel more confident. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 if epileptic. If you feel drowsy while driving or using machinery stop.
Theta binaural waves are available on Classic Prime Hypnosis and some Classic Welcome subliminal affirmations products. It can stimulate deep relaxation, and perhaps sleep. WARNING: DO NOT listen to this MP3 when driving or using machinery, or if epileptic as this binaural is designed to cause the listener to feel drowsy and sleep.
* Dr Milton Erickson was a US psychiatrist with a particular interest in hypnotherapy. He found that the traditional induction methods commonly used at that time were not always effective. Because all hypnosis is self hypnosis and the hypnotist simply guides a person into trance, an individual can resist, and that is their right to do so. hypnosis downloads, hypnosis MP3’s, hypnosis MP3s, free hypnosis,
However, from time to time people resist because they fear the unknown, or they fear losing control. The truth is everyone experiences natural trance in their daily lives, and they are in control when in trance. They just don’t know it. So an experienced hypnotist will usually explain this to his client before he commences. Personally, I often give my clients an MP3 they can listen to in the safety and privacy of their own home to practice a trance induction while listening to my voice,
In the 1940’s and 1950’s Milton Erickson could not do that, so he developed patterns of speech which he could use to slowly introduce trance through conversation. (Imbedded commands such as “Tomatoes Joe, DO NOT FEEL PAIN!) Today we call this Ericksonian hypnosis. Compared to traditional methods it is slow, however it works where other methods may fail.
I use it in many of my own hypnosis sessions at the beginning, to gently commence trance induction. Then I switch to other direct methods.

NOTE: I became aware of a hypnosis MP3 downloads web site that claims to use Ericksonian trance inductions in their ‘uncommon’ products. As a master of Ericksonian Hypnosis myself, I was interested to read their trance induction script. Remember, if someone purchases a hypnosis MP3 we can be pretty sure they choose to be hypnotized, so why use a long Ericksonian induction? I fail to see the purpose of going to so much trouble. Then I read their script, and was immediately disappointed to find their script was short, too short. Therefore it is unlikely to be effective in creating trance in many people. Only around 10 per cent of the general population are somnambulistic (easy to hypnotize), so most people would need a much much longer Ericksonian induction to be effective. Secondly, Milton Erickson used his sensory acuity to monitor trance (breathing rate, heart beat, skin tone etc). That is impossible through MP3 downloads. In short; An Ericksonian hypnotic induction is unnecessary in the context of a hypnosis MP3 download. The script they have chosen to use is way too brief and ineffective for many people. Perhaps those web site owners wanted the ‘razzmatazz’ of something ‘uncommon’, rather than something which is practical and effective? I guess those web site owners are hoping it is the one in ten somnambulists in our population who will buy their product? I really don’t know.
* Dave Elman came from a stage hypnosis background. His father was a stage hypnotist, and when suffering immense pain from cancer, young Dave watched as a stage hypnotist friend of his father released him from pain, using hypnotherapy, so he could die peacefully.

Dave was hooked, and pursued a career in stage hypnosis and radio. Following a show, a local doctor approached him and asked if he could teach him how to use hypnosis as a therapy for his patients. Before long Dave was teaching doctors throughout the USA how to use hypnotherapy. His techniques were innovative, but based on traditional stage hypnosis.
From Ericksonian hypnotic permissive language, I progress into Elman and other techniques during most of my hypnosis inductions.

* Major George Estabrooks dabbled in hypnosis for military purposes from the 1930’s onward. He was the chair of the psychology department at Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. Estabrooks proposed that hypnosis could be used to control people to act as assassins‘ (Manchurian Candidates), and then promptly forget what they had done. US military, FBI and the CIA invested millions of dollars into research of hypnosis in the years following World War Two and throughout the Korean conflict. They concluded Estabrooks ideas were exaggerated and misleading. Yes, he could hypnotize people and command they shoot someone, but only if they wanted to do so. The research only confirmed that all hypnosis is self hypnosis. For example; a person cannot be hypnotized to rob a bank, unless they want to rob a bank. A person cannot be hypnotized to kill someone, unless they want to kill someone. They certainly cannot be hypnotized to do something that would break their own values and moral code. hypnosis downloads, hypnosis MP3’s, free hypnosis hypnosis,
All stage hypnosis incorporates Estabrooks techniques, or perhaps it is the other way around? Estabrooks direct suggestions or commands have a place in many, if not the majority of hypnotherapy too.

* Ormond McGill was perhaps the greatest stage hypnotist of all time. He is considered to be the “Dean of American Hypnotists”. Ormond was the author of The Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism, which is the Bible of all stage hypnotists. He never made claim to be a therapist, although his methods influenced hypnotherapy. He and I corresponded before his death in 2005.
I have studied extensively and been influenced by many leaders in the fields of hypnosis, neuro linguistic programming (NLP), neuro semantics, subliminals and related fields of human mind technologies. There are too many influencers to list here, however I have mentioned them elsewhere on these pages.
In the second half of the twentieth century hypnosis graduated from stage entertainment to a valid therapeutic modality. Hypnosis was officially recognized by the British Government through the Hypnotism Act in 1952. Then in 1958 the British and the American Medical Associations (AMA) sanctioned hypnosis by member physicians. In 1958, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) approved hypnotherapy. In Australia all states deregulated hypnosis by 2000. The most prestigious universities in the world, and other teaching institutions teach hypnotherapy. Insurance companies provide cover for medical and dental services. At long last, hypnotherapy has come of age.
As a footnote: When I studied hypnotherapy and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) in the USA some other class mates were from the FBI. Back in Australia I studied together with Australian Taxation Office (ATO) investigators. A family member who is ‘high up’ within his Christian ‘sect’ has told me they also learn NLP, to use either as a therapy for parishioners or perhaps to create ‘trance’ during sermons. I am aware advertising incorporates these techniques too. Hypnosis and NLP use is wide spread. In the hands of these people. It may be clandestine in nature. It may not be used in your best interests.
Qualified and experienced therapists have integrity. They share with you what you will experience, how and why.. They use their skills only with your best interests in mind. You are always safe.
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